Thursday, October 27, 2011

Testing... :(

I have another exam in history tomorrow... not thrilled about it. I've studied every day this week and the dates just aren't sticking in my brain. I am not a fan of testing that much. Especially when that is the only thing that goes on your grade. Please feel my pain and pray for me.

Dates - Know these dates & why they are important

Republic 509-31 BC

Early 509-287 BC

Middle 287-133 BC

Late 133-31 BC

Conflict of the Orders 450-287 BC

3 Punic Wars 264-146 BC

Tiberius Gracchus - Tribune of the Plebs - 133 BC

Gaius Gracchus – Tribune of the Plebs – 122 BC

First Triumvirate - 60 BC

Julius Caesar killed - March 15, 44 BC

Imperial Period 31 BC - 476 AD

31 BC - 192 AD - Principate and Pax Romana

235-284 - Crisis of the Third Century

284-337 - Reforms of Diocletian and Constantine

337-476 -Decline (& Fall?) of Western Roman Empire; Rise of Germanic Kingdoms

Battle of Adrianople – 378 AD

Alaric sacks Rome - 410 AD

Odoacer deposes the last Roman emperor - 476 AD

Traditional date for the Fall of the Western Roman Empire - 476 AD

Terms - Know terms, their meanings and why they are important


Tribune of the Plebs


Comitia Centuriata

Plebeian Council


plebiscita (plural)2

Conflict of the Orders



4 Secrets of Rome's Success in War and Conquest

Punic Wars

Tiberius Gracchus (the Gracchi)

Gaius Gracchus (the Gracchi)

optimates (singular – optimas)

populares (singular – popularis)



Julius Caesar

The First Triumvirate

"The die is cast"


4 keys to Augustus' Success

Augustus' Reforms


The Pax Romana



The Crisis of the Third Century - 5 main factors

The Chi-Rho sign (Constantine's conversion)

Reforms of Diocletian and Constantine - 5 basic reforms




Theodoric and the Ostrogoths


The Franks

I've got less than 50 minutes to answer a bunch of multiple choice questions, write 4 short essays, 1 long essay, and locate cities on maps. :( Yikes.

Meanwhile, I have this floating around in my brain, preparing for Monday’s test in chemistry…

I don't like dipoles and balancing equations. I'm sick of radiation formulas and of a bunch of old dead guys who can figure out crazy stuff that makes sense in a sick, twisted way. How the heck did they find out 6.02x10^23 = 1 mole????


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

blah blah blah blog!!!

Here’s to Tiffà

7 Things You Don’t kneeeeeeeeeeed to know about me!

-“Jody, you’re so very Kneedy!”

-On that note, it makes me want Kneaders French toast!

Who the heck comes up with this stuff anyways? Maybe that’s what I’ll major in… professional time wasting ideas. Good plan

1. Hate is a strong word, but I really, really, REALLY don’t like fish.

2. I’m a terrible dancer but I dance all the time. (Waka Waka anyone?)

3. I have a special connection with all my childhood toys. It broke my heart to box them away and put them in the basement. They all have names, feelings and personalities. I miss playing beanie babies with my sister. And playmobiles.

4. I enjoy getting bucked off a horse. If he can throw me, I deserve it. But that doesn’t mean I won’t beat the crap out of the animal when I get back on.

5. I go out of my way to step on crunchy leaves. I get very disappointed when the crunch isn’t what I planned, but I get over it and search for a new crunchy leaf. The intense seconds before my shoe crunches down on that leaf is exhilarating. I love crunching! And doing crunches. I like the word crunchy. But no, crunch bars are not my favorite; I prefer Take 5 or Cookies and Cream.

6. I have She’s the Man memorized, and seriously quote it every day.

7. I can’t stay awake if I stop moving. I fall asleep EVERYWHERE. In class, on the bus, outside (last weekend I fell asleep on my patio and slept through my dad mowing the lawn right next to me), on my horse (lately this has been a problem because she then gets lazy and doesn’t pick up her feet and therefore ends up tripping, sending me off into the sunset and/or dirt, which by the way is much more effective than my alarm clock), etc., etc. Falling asleep also includes drooling, which unfortunately, too many people know too much about. Especially Shams.

Well there ya go, 7 things you don’t need to know about me, but now you do. Congratulations?

Monday, October 10, 2011

Jamie Grace - You Lead (Lyric Video)

Lead Me On

The past week didn't go so well, and I've been rather bummed. I'm confused with want I want to do with my future, and it's been stressing me out. I've found great comfort, peace, and strength by trusting in my Heavenly Father, but sometimes I forget to trust Him completely. If I do what I know I need to do, things will work out.


Enjoy the Journey


Pray like everything depends on the Lord, work like everything depends on you

PS The song posted above is pretty neat.

It makes me happy :] I like being happy =) =} =]

You lead, I’ll follow, Your hands hold my tomorrow,

Your grip, Your grace, You know the way,

You guide me tenderly,

When you lead, I’ll follow,

Just light the way and I’ll go,

Cause I know what you got for me is more than I can see,

So lead me on, on, on, and on,

Just lead me on, on, on and on

On another note, I went running today in the oh so beautiful Logan canyon in the oh so freaking beautiful fall weather and foliage. Even though practice wasn't the greatest I loved the run. I'm gonna go an a walk (note: not run!) soon and pick all the pretty fall leaves! :) It was fabulous running temperatures- cold when you stop but perfect while you're running and running and running. But t'was a bit nippy after taking an ice bath :/

On another note, perhaps I should try to blog more? Don't answer that. I like looking at other peoples cute blogs but I'm not really into all of that kind of thing... but maybe I'll expand my horizons.

On another note, I LOVE fall. I was scared that Logan would skip fall, and head straight into winter, but it didn't! The past two days have been blissful weather wise. I love it! Not to be a total girl, but I am... but I just really adore fall clothes! Sunday I wore a cute skirt and argyle sweater with my "equestrian boots"- totally rocked a fall back to school look. Today I wore said boots with skinny jeans, darling shirt borrowed from my darling roommate, simple jacket and a lovely scarf. Yay for not wearing jeans and a water-proof jacket! Muffins and hot chocolate are also adding great appeal to my fall experience. Raspberry muffins with cinnamon sugar crumbly goodness on top makes me feel cozy. Hot chocolate... need I say more?

Have yourself a fantastic FALL day! :)