So I registered for classes the other day, it all went fine because athletes get top priority, so that was great. But now I might need to change anatomy to biology, and then I couldn't take it with all the chums. I'm in some lameo night first aid class, but I can drop that and take a 6 hour workshop instead to get certified. Only problem is that it's offered once a semester, or "whenever Dr. whoever feels like it", and that one day is on Saturday. Problem: I'm going to the game Friday night, leaving Saturday morning to watch a race in Provo, then probably (hopefully) staying the weekend to address pony problems and have a heart to heart with a few of the Hannahs in my life. Plus, I am in fact slightly homesick. After camping out my bed sounds quite promising. and good food. As for today- I must juggle practice (which consists of doing annoying exercises to rewire my stupid brain to fix my stupid form), biking (I still can't run and i'm going slightly insane), talking to the athletic adviser, talking to my academic adviser for the third time today, probably redoing my whole schedule, SI, perhaps an angry birds obstacle course, temple, and check in for the game..... oh yeah and that one thing called homework....
Hey Hermione, can I borrow your time turner for this weekend?...and possibly the rest of my life? Thanks k k kkkk k bye