Friday, December 21, 2012

FALL 2012 ::: simple words and big pictures

Saying Goodbyes
-My Grandma took me to a really nice dinner place called Log Haven in Salt Lake. T'was a lovely experience. I ate a buffalo! A real buffalo!
-Marcy came to say goodbye before I officially moved out of course. It was bitter sweet, but went much smoother than the year before, when she basically had to pack everything for me. She's a gem.
-Before my parents dropped me off we stopped at the Brigham City Temple. It was so beautiful, and it was cool to look at the outside with my parents. It started raining right as we left. 

-Kiana, Myka, and Tess on the bunk beds at camp: We actually made it a triple-decker bed but nobody slept on the top bunk because it was too close to the ceiling. It was fun though :) XC camp was fun, and a much different experience from last year. I missed all the boys my age that were on missions, but it was fun to know most of the team, and the freshman soon became good friends with everyone. I got really sick during camp, and made frequent trips to the bathroom, but we had great times nonetheless. The highlights for me were catching up with an old friend from high school, having the coolest 'pack' ever (shout out to my peeps Bills, Nikki, T-Rob, and Alex), the skits (they were sooooooooo great. I wish I had filmed all of them but I didn't. If I ever get my hands on that stuff I'll be sure to share because it is so hilarious. Every time I think about them I can't help but chuckle.) the scavenger hunt, and of course the food. Good times. I'm sad I won't be returning for another year of Aggie cross country. 
-Farmers Market with Myka and Alex: Such a fun adventure! I'd never been to a farmer's market before but I loved it! Defs be goin to those more often. Logan is such a great place to be.
-Temple Dedication: Bre and I are temple buddies so naturally we went to the Brigham City open house together. It was so cool to go inside. What a beautiful building! I felt like an idiot walking around in those heels, but ya'll should be proud of me.#wearegoingtheresomeday #justnottogether;)

-Peach Days in Brigham City: We got to see cool vendors, I bought a little dream catcher, we ate fantastically delicious peach shakes from the cute diner Peach City, Anni spent quality time with Timmy boy, the rest of us roommates met said Timmy boy... we'll just leave it at that ;)
-Our team laying sod for our new course, drum roll please... "Innovation Wellness Course" pretty great name, dontcha think? We had our Aggie Invitational there and it was awful but always an adventure. We did lots of cross country workouts there and I grew to like it more and more. They're putting a lot of work into it though, and it's actually gonna be a pretty neat place in a few years. 
-Bonding time on the bus to and from Bozeman Invitational: I love my team. Us sophomores especially have become the best of friends and I'm going to miss it next semester when we're not together anymore. We played MASH on the way home and had a great dance party.

- Two of my amazing roommates, Whitney and Tracey, ran a marathon! We all went to Pizza Pie Cafe to celebrate. Tracey did this insane healthy diet before her race where she wouldn't eat anything store-bought that had 5 or more ingredients! She is pictured in the top center eating her first piece of dessert pizza. What a joyous moment that was! Us with our great neighbors are in the bottom center pic.
-[Top left] My other amazing roommate Jessica is going to be the most phenomenal teacher. Basically she'll be a TLC/home ec teacher and she's gonna rock it! We went to her recycle fashion show, where she showed off an adorable dress she created!
-[Bottom Left] a bunch of Timp alumni after the USU-BYU soccer game in Logan. from the left: Me, Nimmer, JaNae, Gel, and Marissa. Unfortunately Lex wasn't in the pic :(
-Odd drawing= notes in physiology. My drawing of a blastula reminded me of a raccoon mask, so naturally I had to elaborate and give him a sidekick. 
-[Top right] our cool friend Rocha visits us :) she's the best because she brought us a giant poster of shirtless beautiful Abercrombie Models that is now our wall decor. She serenades me as the sun sets with my ukulele that she plays beautifully. She's great and has a fantastic laugh.
-[Bottom Right] Jessica (red hair) and Trista (striped pants) had a little cooking accident that involved the wrong burner, a plastic bowl of pancake batter, and a mess. Good times.

Starting Top Left going clockwise:
-I played with mud at a meet and vandalized the park. It says "EMBRACE YOUR WILD SIDE" I'm rather fond of that saying. I like mud.
-Anni and me after the chalk dance. Notice the awkward spots of sweaty chalk. 
-Modeling my teammate Ruth's knitting skills. Rockin them knitted shorts.
-Tracey (aka Big Mamma T) after the chalk dance
-Anni and me after a race at a celebratory feast of crepes and nutella
-Anni sleeping during one of our study sessions at Lundstrom Park. It's a great place to be.
-Spinach Ricotta dinner and Swirly Cinnamon bread I made
-Me attempting to clean off my clothes after the chalk dance

-Me, Lauren (roommates cousin), Tracey, and Whitney at a corn maze after a terrifying haunted river walk. 
-Destruction on the third floor of the BNR thanks to ANNIfreakinLINA andersen's childish behaviors. That's a dent from my longboard. My longboard also has a dent from the door. 
-Going down a tube slide at the corn maze. 
-Going shooting with this one really cool kid
-That cool kid shooting
-Anni doing her homework on my bed. #wearesoproductiveitisinsane
-Me shooting a gun for the first time in my life!! So much fun. Even though I'm completely hopeless and have terrible aim. We drew pictures of things and shot them along with shooting other cool stuff like water bottles and clay pigeons.I drew a picture of me running and of bambi and his mother. The picture of Bambi is proudly hanging in our living room. I learned several things from this occasion: 1.) People don't trust me in the slightest when I'm around guns. 2.) I can't shoot with my left eye closed 3.) "...well I hate microscopes..." 4.) I'm terribly awful at shooting. 5.) I really like that cool kid 6.) It's fun to shoot guns 7.) I can't use that difficult contraption to throw the pigeons for the life of me. 8.) Anni is such a babe!!
-Anni shootin them guns like it's nothin. 


-I learned how to waterfall braid. My roommates have gorgeous hairs.
-I cooked fish for the first time. I usually hate fish, but my grandma gave me a bunch, so I might as well eat it, right? RIGHT! More power to ya. Literally. Fish is proven to be healthy. So I cooked it and ate it, and realized I had a cool piece that looked exactly like a swan! I had a hard time eating that particular piece, but once it was doused with catsup, I figured it looked like a dead swan, and therefore I could eat it.
-Hannah Berlin and me with some natural curls after a rainy evening in Orem
-My violin performance major roommate TRISTA enlightening us with her breathtaking skills and nimble fingers. I learned how to play twinkle twinkle little star that night. I'm practically pro now.

-Jess, Trista, and me about to slumber in our awesome fort made of blankets. My first time watching Miss Congeniality. Who loves Saundra Bullock? I love Saundra Bullock!
- Trista, Austin, Jess, Rex, and me at Temple Square
- Julie and her chum at the NCAA elite 8 women's soccer game supporting Nimmer. I'm bummed I didn't make a cool shirt!
- Anni and me doing what we do best. It's our thing. Feel free to be extremely jealous right now.
- Jess, Me, Trista, and Rex inside Anthropologie with a totally non-cuddable polar bear.
- Salt Lake City Temple. LOVE.
- Captain John Smith <3
- "Cute shoes!" "Oh thanks, I got them at Anthropologie" "They sell shoes there!?" "Yeah, right next to the accessories" OH MY HECK IT IS A REAL PLACE!!!!!! And that picture people, was on the first try. LAAAAAAAAAAAAVE IT!! #ihaveshe'sthemancompletelymemorized

And that about wraps it up from the contents of my camera. 
It's been an interesting semester, and I'm looking forward to what SPRING 2013 will bring. 
But I'll enjoy Christmas Break now. 

peace and blessins
over and out 

PS: is x hug and o kiss? or opposite? and WHY??

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Better Late Than Never eh?

1. Tell everybody 11 fantastic facts that nobody really cares about
2. Answer silly questions that silly schpiff character asked 
3. Nominate others!!!!!!!!! Amber and Anni. Katy. Sharissa. Whoever the heck reads this dumb blog. Read it and weep suckers. You're now cursed with this and
If you do play along, link it so I can read it :)

1. I hate it when people swear. It's a matter of respect, and is in no way desirable or impressive. 
2. My nickname as a child was "cuddle bun". So naturally that means I like to cuddle.
3. "Awake My Soul" by Mumford and Sons is currently my #1 (Michael Buble and Josh Groban seasonal albums don't count right now)
4. I want to own a nice camera sometime in the near distant future.
5. I'm scared to grow up
6. I have an unstoppable sweet tooth. If I didn't run so much everyday I'm sure I'd be borderline obese.
7. I dance and sing in front of the mirror ALL THE TIME
8. I like doodling and cool quotes. I also like doodling cool quotes. I really like the font of the Liebster award button by the way. Whoever made it must be super duper cool. FUN FACT: duper is a real word, but not in the way it is presented here. 
9. I absolutely love horses and riding them and cleaning their poop and brushing them and riding them and talking to them and feeling their soft fur and riding them and hugging them and fussing at them and riding them and braiding their tails and riding and I just like them a lot.
10. Two of my roommates and I have a kissing bucket list  Whoever can check off the most before the 1 year mark wins dinner and dessert. 
I'm losing. Bummer.
11. I like to work. Like manual labor. None of this writing nonsense. I'm so glad to be done with this semester and the writing classes involved.


1. if you could do anything and money was no matter, what would you do?
I would make a cool scholarship fund for struggling students who are exceptional in their own way. None of this ACT and GPA nonsense.

2. what is your favorite memory?
That's defs a tough one. I like looking back and remembering the sounds laughter.

3. who has made the biggest impact on who you are today?
Also a tough one... dang who makes these questions? 
I consider myself a very observant person, so I notice little things and try to take note of them. I keep lists of things I want to remember, things I want to do, how I should do them etc. Daily people are making a bigger impact on me than they realize, and hopefully it's a good thing. 

4. if you could be any celebrity, who would you be and why?
That chick that plays Katniss in the Hunger Games. Because it should totally be me. My coach even calls me Katniss <-- and that's sayin somethin. Or somebody in a horse movie. I've always wanted to do something like that. Flicka would be cool, (mostly because I LOVE Tim McGraw) but the girl in that one is pretty stupid, and I don't want to be stupid.

5. favorite holiday and why?
I like all the holidays. Food, Family, Fun = Holidays

6. favorite movie(s)
 Include but in no way limited to: She's the Man, Hitch, The Devil Wears Prada, Sweet Home Alabama, Remember the Titans, Glory Road, Dan in Real Life, The Hannah Montana Movie, and all the Harry Potter movies. and I like to quote them. Especially She's the man. erry day all day.
Bones, Psych, and Monk are my favorite TV shows

7. who is your biggest role model?
Honestly I couldn't tell you. There are many women in my life that I deeply admire and look up to. 

8. where is the best vacation location?
I'll tell you once I've been everywhere and can decide on the best one.

9. what goals do you have for the next year?
Write more thank you notes

10. what were you like in high school? 
busy, tired, weird, full of energy, athletic, nice, grumpy, quiet, obnoxious, kind, enthusiastic.
It depends on who ya talk to.

11. what makes you happy?
Being happy with other happy people in happy places. With food.

Monday, November 19, 2012

This needs to be said

Let it be known to all that I just love icecream. so much. so so so much. Icecream cones are my favorite. I ate so much today and I should feel guilty but I don't because I love it soooo much. and now I want more because I'm thinking about it! Too bad my dad just took my bowl away... lame.

Also, it's Thanksgiving break! Yahoo! I'm thankful for Harry Potter. I knew I couldn't and shouldn't try to read either the Harry Potter books or the Hunger Games again or I wouldn't stop and I would forget about finals. So I decided to have a movie marathon instead. By myself.  It's great. I really want a hipogriff. That'd be great. #christmaswishlist

I've been wanting to rewatch all of the Harry Potter movies! Now I can workout while watching them!
I'm doing this RIGHT NOW.
Actually, I'm typing this right now, and then I will take a trip to the lavatory  and then I will.  

haha poor Harry

Dear future husband...please propose to me this way? :)
Please oh please. I'd love you forever.

I think I'll go get some more :)

Friday, November 9, 2012

Cold Tangerines

Good news people, I tied a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue yesterday. I'm going places.

Happy Friday

Friday, September 28, 2012

Feeling Good

Give me one good reason why I shouldn't love this man. Oh my heck. How can you not feel good after listening to this? 

I'm not a huge fan of this video, in fact I didn't watch it all the way through because I was too busy dancing in my kitchen. Swing them hips girl. mmmhmm.

This video on the other hand, is probs the best music video ever. Soooooooo hilarious. If you haven't watched it, take the time. You'll be LOL-ing for sure.

My favorite part is at 1:50-2:05. Ahhh it's just so great.

Have a lovely friday my friends :]

Monday, September 10, 2012

I hate titles

It's just one of those days.

I need a hug. Cuddle buddy perhaps? Good thing I have great roommates for that.

One of those days.

"Gone Away"-saftey suit
"Crack the Shutters" - Snow Patrol
"No Envy No Fear" - Joshua Radin

One of those days

The workout was harder than it should have been.

One of those days

Hey so I'm totes crushin on you... and I'm pretty sure you like me so let's get this thing rollin.

One of those days

My cross coach and athletic trainer say, "Let's take a vote. All those in favor of Lecy not playing rugby say I."  They both raise their hands. "All those in favor of lecy playing rugby." I raise my hand. "Oh well majority rules so I guess you're done." .....Yikes? okay yeah thanks for that coach...

One of those days

You have a dance party to "Call Me Maybe" and "Never Ever Getting Back Together" so you feel better and now this post seems worthless. Toodles

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Wow I hate not having the internet. It's super duper annoying. But for the time being, it's working. woot woot! So... I'm alive and in Logan! Ah I just love it here. Here's an unorganized, quick update because I know all of you have been so so so worried about me and love to read my boring blog. I honestly don't understand blogging. I love reading other people's blogs and they write silly things that I shouldn't really care about, but I still feel pretty stupid telling the internet about my life. oh well. I'll keep doing it anyways I guess.

I survived cross country camp.barely. I got super sick but I am alive and well now. I'm still flushin some bad stuff out of my system and weird things are happening to my body but I can eat food now. Yay. Practices have been good this week. At camp I talked with my coach and told him what I wanted to get out of the season and asked him to help me. We're working together and I feel great. Our first meet is this Saturday in Logan, and I'm hoping for the best! It's on our new course that we helped build. There are some freaky fast freshmen girls. Like insane. But they're all awesome. I love my team.

I survived being homeless. I moved up sunday night, stayed with my teammate that night, went to camp and stayed with her friday night. Saturday afternoon I FINALLY was able to move into my apartment. The front room is very spacious, so I love it! We just need a giant TV and we'll be set :) All my roommates are awesome and so nice. They let me borrow clothes because I was homeless and didn't have any sunday clothes. How sweet of them. The boys next door are pretty great too. I'm excited to get to know them. They said we could watch movies on their giant TV anytime. [saaaaweeeeeeet!!] I live on the top floor of garden court apartments so trekking up the stairs multiple times a day is annoying but I'll survive.

I survived the first rugby practice. It's at 6 o'clock in the grand morning. Yikes. We got a new turf field with wicked cool lights and I was soooooo excited for it... until I actually played on it! Let's just say OUCH. oh well as long as I don't break a leg I'll be a man and rub some dirt on it. <-- she's the man anyone?

I survived the first three days of classes. news flash: I'm only taking 13 credits. Crazy, right? I'll actually have time to have a social life??? Say whaaaaaaa? Exactly. I plan on getting super duper good grades to make up my lack of credits. I'm taking Design in Everyday Living for my general creative arts credit. I'm excited. Except I slept through most of it today :/ my b. I'm in a lameo english class and should be doing that homework right now... but I'm not because I FINALLY have use of the internet!!! bahahahaha. I'm in physiology and phis lab and that concludes my weekly schedule. I better put all this free time to use and get a boyfriend or somethin or I'll be freakin ticked. tehehehehe college boys.

anyways, here's a collage I made when we were driving up to Logan. enjoy random tidbits of my summer in pictures. it looks cooler that way.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

La fin de l'été

This is how I felt walking away from my last day at 7 Peaks yesterday. Except I had powdered sugar all over my face and body because I celebrated by purchasing funnel fries :) yum yum om nom nom.

Today I went running with Celeste, saw Bills and Ashley (two teammates from USU) and got super scared for camp. It starts monday. Yikes!!! It feels great to get up super early and then I'm able to come home and crash because I'm done working!!

I really really really REALLY need to pack. I'm in quite the dilemma right now though... So we have to report at 6:30 am on Monday morning for camp and we get back Friday afternoonish. Problem: I can't move in my apartment until next Saturday. So a plan of being not homeless is in the works. I'll probs just chill with a teammate and leave the stuff I need for the first week of school at their house until I can move in. Luckily we have our annual race in Logan on the 1st of September, so my parents can bring up the rest of my belongings then.

I'm sooooooo excited for school. I'm gonna drop some classes because I decided I don't want to completely destroy myself like I did last year. (17 credits each semester + running + rugby + relief society presidency + attempt at a social life = burnt out lecy) But I'm taking a design class (counts as a general instead of humanities [SCORE!!]), physiology (super duper excited and scared), English (bleh.), and some others but I don't remember. I'm fer shizzle dropping my 7:30 am dance class. haha what a joke that would've been.

Well I need to start packing seeing as the only thing I have packed is the box of stuff I didn't unpack in May, and I move tomorrow. I'm real good at moving, lemme tell ya.

I'll pack while listening to Jason Reeves, Cady Grooves, He is We, T-Swizzles new song on repeat for way too long and Marianas Trench. Good tunes right thur. I'm gonna go eat an ice cream cone for my post-run snack/breakfast. I'm so healthy.

G2G TTYL #ishouldgoshower

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Sunday, August 5, 2012


I spent time with my aunt and cousins watching the Olympics after making waaaaay too many cookies.   Then I browsed for a while on pintrest. I'm no fan of pinning and what not, so I just scroll and waste my life away. You'd think I'd look up hardcore workouts because I'm watching the Olympics, right? Nah. I'll just be a silly girl for tonight and look at clothes, food, and silly things like that. Here are a few of my lovely finds. love. lovelovelove.

I don't really do heels.
But these are freaking adorable.

genius I tell you, genius.

I need to go see this movie again.
And read the books again. and again. and again. 

Add a bookshelf and a shower.
Welcome to my dream bathroom.

totes presh

I absolutely love this.

Yikes! Satan's got a hold of me.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Simple Pleasures of this very friday :]

1. Not working for 11 hours
2. Adorable young chubby British boy at peaks that asks, "Would you mind giving me a lil push? Or rather a big push? Or perhaps a mighty kick?" Thinking to myself, "yes yes yes please oh please just keep talking to me in your wonderful accent!"
4. "Well for a redhead, your awfully dark!"..... [awkward laugh] "well thanks I try?"
5. Going to the snowcone shack but not working so I'll have a medium with icecream please. Blue Hawaii, Mango Delight and Melona. mmmhmm yes please and thank you.
6. Nap time
7. Looking at my phone background of Robin Hood. (the fox)
8. Giant Naked mighty mango brought to me from my mamma sponsored by Costco.
9. Night runs that feel super duper good
10. Chocolate Milk
12. Burning abs
13. Finally able to do deeper single leg squats
14. Reading your blog
15. Star gazing with my dog
16. The fact that my dog looks like a giant stuffed animal
17. The entertainment my dog brings to others because she's so dumb.
18. "I Wanna Be Loved By You" by Ali Milner
19. J Wride's piano version of "Galaxy"
20. More chocolate milk :)
21. This picture

and this one, even though it's super creep

Merry Friday to all, and to all a good night

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Weeks go by

Get excited.
Lots of pictures.

Sunday shenanigans 
Nate taught me how to do a real bunny hop on a bike.
It was pretty intense.
We ate lots of icecream and talked.
We socialized with his lovely mother.
His father tried to fix my helpless bike.

My father and I are bonding by doing arts and crafts.
I'm sure I'll post a pic of the final product.
It's gonna be cool.

I find this captivating.
I made it.
Then I threw it away.

I decided I'm gonna run again.
Actually I decided a while ago.
I'm super duper excited.
I'm terrified.
I'm sore.
 I don't have a picture, but I swam a mile on Tuesday. I'm amazed at how my body has adapted to this new activity. When I first started lifeguard training, we had to swim 300 meters. I seriously thought I was going to drown. I was breathing and burping like a sick... creature. Now I can swim easy peasy mac and cheesy. Hooray for improvements.

So I have this quote/doodle/i'mboredinschool book.
I've added quite a bit this summer.
This is one of my more recent pages.

Cowgirl up, my friends

Rodney Atkins Concert.
Yeahhhhhh buddy
Take a back road? Don't mind if I do.

We met Rodney Atkins.
I was literally freaking out.
We wrote him a letter before the concert.
He got it.
He loved it.
He said "God bless you" when we met.
Then he signed my ticket and we got this great pic.
Woot woot

  Crosby Family Reunion 2012: Thursday evening through Saturday I spent some lovely hours with lots of people I  love and grew to love at Timp Lodge by Sundance. It was lovely. Do you realize I've used lovely a whole lot in this post? deal with it. We heard lots of neat stories about the courage of our ancestors, ate good food, spent lots of time bonding, playing games and just being ourselves. I didn't work for three days straight. It's a new record this summer.

Just doing some warm ups for the Olympic games.

Real steak dinner.
And by real I mean we have some legit Arizona cowboys in this crosby clan of  mine.
And by real I mean they caught their real good beefy cow.
and by beefy cow I mean several.
and by real good I mean mmmmmm tasty.
and by mmmmmmm tasty I mean to say that we ate them.

The lovely and difficult game of Oreo-off-the-forehead-into-the-mouth game.
I rocked it.
Star trippin
I'm a fan.

All-nighter under the stars.
Get me out of the city.

Just sleeping on a single pillow laying in a parking lot in the wee hours of the morning.
The things we do.

This happened.
Let's not talk about it.
I'm going to the temple now. I'm a fan of that lovely place.

21 days and counting
Please get me out of Utah County
More excited now than ever.
I'm okay. It's a brand new day.