Monday, November 19, 2012

This needs to be said

Let it be known to all that I just love icecream. so much. so so so much. Icecream cones are my favorite. I ate so much today and I should feel guilty but I don't because I love it soooo much. and now I want more because I'm thinking about it! Too bad my dad just took my bowl away... lame.

Also, it's Thanksgiving break! Yahoo! I'm thankful for Harry Potter. I knew I couldn't and shouldn't try to read either the Harry Potter books or the Hunger Games again or I wouldn't stop and I would forget about finals. So I decided to have a movie marathon instead. By myself.  It's great. I really want a hipogriff. That'd be great. #christmaswishlist

I've been wanting to rewatch all of the Harry Potter movies! Now I can workout while watching them!
I'm doing this RIGHT NOW.
Actually, I'm typing this right now, and then I will take a trip to the lavatory  and then I will.  

haha poor Harry

Dear future husband...please propose to me this way? :)
Please oh please. I'd love you forever.

I think I'll go get some more :)

Friday, November 9, 2012

Cold Tangerines

Good news people, I tied a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue yesterday. I'm going places.

Happy Friday