Anni and I met our freshman year during cross country camp. I remember she had really pretty naturally wavy hair and I was jealous of it. She wore a cool yellow bumblebee swimming suit and she was on scholarship but she couldn't run because she had had surgery on her foot. Camp was fun getting to her but I didn't hang out with her a ton. The night we got back from camp a bunch of us freshman got together and played a rambunctious game of signs and I always went to her Moose sign as my go to. We hung out a few times now and then, I saw her after the paint dance and we posed for a pic together. I wasn't as good as friends with her as I was with the other Davis girls because we didn't really see each other since she was cross training THE WHOLE freaking SEASON. I don't really remember when we clicked like a seatbelt, but we sure did and it has made my college experience. She was exactly what I needed at this time in my life, and I'm so sad to see her go, but she deserves it and she'll be a great little wifey.
Anni is the kind of best friend who will call you out when you do stupid and rude things, and she'll comfort you when you need a hug. She'll make your day when she brightly calls out your name, she'll let you use her rice, she'll laugh like no one else, she'll be passionate about everything she buries herself in. She'll make you cry, sing, dance, laugh, cuddle, make a "hawk" noise, make you get up and run at the wee hours of the morning, and do countless other memorable things. And when I say you I mean me. She's pretty great and I honestly wish I could write every memory and how much I look up to her, but I think it would turn into a chapter book and unfortunately she knows how much I despise writing. (English 2010 word count eh Anni? ha.)
So, here's a plethora of pictures that I have and I will treasure forever. Love you pal :)
Oh. And that's her new husband. |
May there be many many more joyous memories together :) :)