I am connecting the blogging community by participating. Madi tagged me so whooped-de-doo I get to play along!
1) Post the rules.
2) Post a photo and 11 random things about you.
3) Answer questions.
4) Ask questions.
5) Tag.
1.) Those are the rules.
a.) I like watching movies by myself.
b.) I pick up pennies (or any other coin) when I find them. Then I put them in a Jones soda bottle and make a wish.
c.) I don't fancy pickles, mustard, or mayo.
d.) I love catching lizards in the wild then making them bite my ear so I have live lizard earrings.
e.) I love Carls Jr.'s Western Bacon burger. Then onion rings make it happen.
f.) I make my bed every day in college. I never made my bed while I was growing up.
g.) I'm scared of bears, sharks, hippos and alligators.
h.) I have to sing the alphabet every time I need to know which letter comes next. Except I know it goes R, S, T because in 6th grade, it went Rivers, Skousen, Thayne.
i.) I always get the noodles when I go to Panda Express.
j.) I bought my own horse.
k.) I get nervous when I speak in front of people, but instead of showing my nervousness I turn into a rock and show no emotion. It doesn't work very well. Public speaking is defintely something I need to work on.
1. Where's the best place you've traveled?
The best? Best what? Food? Experiences? Memories? You must be more specific Madi!
I love traveling. I'm wasn't a huge fan of road trips due to my "stretching problem" as a child, but now that i'm mature, as long as they involve lots of yummy unhealthy snacks, pillows, movies and books I'll be fine. I love flying and I always prefer a window seat to absorb the amazingness from the sky. I've been all over the US, Sweden, Engalnd, Finland, and Mexico. I would like to go to Africa and Australia. Touring Europe is also on the bucket list. It always amazes me how diverse Utah is though. Goblin Valley to Zions National Park to good ol' Provo Canyon. Utah is a great place.
2. If you could eat anything right now, what would it be?
A snow cone from Hawaiian Shave Ice
3. Age of your first crush
pshhh who knows. I had like billions. The main man was in 6th grade, along with EVERYBODY else.
4. Someone you want to be friends with, and I'm not talking famous here
Silas. He's awesome. I consider ourselves friends seeing as we basically have every class together, but I would like to get to know him better.
5. Favorite Flower
Wild flowers
6. What's the coolest activity you've ever done?
I do lots of cool activities because i'm cool and active.
7. To you, what's the best thing about March?
Writing "March fourth and sieze the day" in my journal on March 4th.
8. What's your favorite movie? Why?
Remember the Titans- inspiring? I think yes. Funny? check. Attractive people? Yep. Makes me want to play football? Most definitely.
9. If you knew the world was going to end in 10 years, so school wouldn't make all that much of a difference, what would you do with your time?
Learn as much as I could and fall in love.
10. What language have you always wanted to know?
French. I took three years of it, but I want to know all the language!
11. Summer or Winter?
Ooooh this is a tough one. Both have their pros and cons. I'll just embrace the whole year and all the seasons.
4.) Questions!?
1.) Favorite scent?
2.) Favorite poptart?
3.) If you could get any sort of pet, what kind of pet would it be and what would you name it?
4.) Board game or card game?
5.) Watch a movie or go to a play?
6.) Most pointless thing you learned in high school?
7.)Watch summer or winter Olympics?
8.) Swim in a pool or lake?
9.) Favorite candy bar?
10.) Favorite book?
11.) When you get out a piece of gum, do you go halvsies or eat the whole piece?
5.) Tag... since most everyone has already done this....
...and anyone else you feels so inclined. Leave a comment and I'll chchchcheck you out!