Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Day 3- Picture of your friends

Oooooh these hooligans. Tiffers and I have been friends since well... forever. Lex stepped in during jr. high, but  has become a permanent addition. I cannot explain how many stupid yet oh so hilarious inside jokes we have. There is literally NEVER a dull moment with these two. Between our "visiting teaching" Sunday chats to weekly Wednesday temple texts we keep in touch. Both of them will be joining me up at Utah State next year, and I can't wait to see what adventures we'll have. I'm stoked! *fist pump* 
These are my beautiful cousins. Left to right- me, Meghan, Syd, Siera, and Sharon. We're tight. I always feel so lucky when people say they don't even really know their cousins. I LOVE mine. We tell each other the stupidest stories, celebrate everything, eat pumpkin pie and cranberry jello at all hours of the night, and much much more. As kids we tried to spend every possible weekend having sleepovers or at least getting together. We faked being asleep when our parents thought it was time to leave. We begged and cried if we had to leave early. We were soooooo excited for family reunions because they meant we got to spend days together. My extended family on my dad's side is extremely close. I love it. So many memories from my childhood go hand in hand with these girls. I love them. A whole bunch.  I don't think we could ever spend enough time together. 

Meet the inhabitants  of Morgan 301. I lucked out. Really. These are the sweetest girls ever. Introductions are in order. Going around the table: Amber, Kim, Jill, Ashley, Diana, and me. Ashley and Amber are twins, and the nicest people ever. I don't know how they're so nice all the time. Honestly it amazes me. Kim and Diana are roommates and are a great addition. Diana is a magician in the kitchen and will be an amazing mother. I cannot wait to see where life takes her. Actually, where she takes life. She will do great things. Kim is such a hard worker. She's had a rough time this year dealing with some personal problems, but keeps putting right along with her head up. Her dedication inspires me. Jillybean is my roommate. I think I drive her crazy, but she says she enjoys it. She has a beautiful voice and a very sweet, flirtatious personality. She is a very caring person, and I owe her for getting me tissues and cold water when I'm sick, staying up way late with me when I have too much to do, and giving me her leftovers. However, she owes me a pan of brownies and a giant jamba juice.  

Cross Country. Welcome to my high school years. I started running with the team when I was in 8th grade, and never looked back. Every year changed, but honestly some of my greatest friends have come because of this team and sport. There are waaaaaaay too many names to name, I could have just added a team picture from every year and written like a 20 page paper on how each person has impacted my life. We are a special team. There is always a "cross country" group at dances. We have our special lunch spot.  We have a testimony meeting on a bus coming back from california.  We are fat kids for life. We quote "Heavy Weights" constantly at camp. We spend too much time with each other in buses, cars, sleeping bags, and at school. We've seen each other when we look our best and our worst, when we feel like murdering our coach, when we feel like murdering a certain someone on the team, when we pee during races, puke after races, cry from mental and physical exhaustion, and laugh so hard we can't breathe. The girls and boys of the timpanogos cross country teams will forever be in my life, and I owe most of who I am to each person who showed me the kind of person I want to become. I just love these guys. Friends for life for reals.  

Nathaniel Curtis Widmer. What a stud. Seriously, girls, you should date him. (He's really ticklish and has great abs)  He's my basketball buddy since jr. high, my tennis pal, and a best friend.  We've always been pretty close, but this summer we really made the connection. We talk to each other about all our silly dramatic problems and happy happenings. We may or may not skip sunday school every time I go home so we can catch up face to face. He constantly brings a smile to my face. He's just one of those kids you've got to love. Plus he has an awesome dog that is friends with my dog. That's always nice. 
Joshua Thomas. JVT. I can't help but smile thinking about how our  roller coaster of a friendship has turned out. I met him at a friends house. We played apples to apples. Epic game where we picked each others cards every single time. It was weird. He threw pillows at me and I didn't even know who he was. We stayed friends at school because we had seminary and english together. We argured a lot. I shot rubber bands at him and he bugged me.  He asked me to prom. I liked it. After the initial shock and furry wore off of course. I took him horseback riding. It was fun. I liked it. Oh wait actually I liked him. No I didn't. Yes I did. NO. Yes. nope. maybe? yeahhhhhh. yes. yes yes yes. yesssss. We discovered a passion for golden spoon yogurt. I asked him to preference. I regretted it the second I booked it off his front porch. It was awkward. I liked it? He held my hand on my birthday. He told me he liked me. I said "cool story hansel" and about died on the inside. Summer began. We were together almost every day. I liked it. Summer ended. I moved 2 hours north, he moved 13 minutes south. We've stayed best friends. We write each other letters. He sends me a song every Sunday. We carved pumpkins and threw the guts all over each other and the outside of his apartment. We made beef jerky stick figures. We burned them.  He sent me flowers before finals. He's a classy gent. He makes me want to be a better person. He leaves April 25th to serve the Lord and the people of Mississippi for two years. I'll miss him. 
Marcy Noelle Fuller. Noelle isn't her middle name. But that's what I call her. Somehow I  got over the fact that this hard working, smart, diligent, loving, amazing, athletic, gorgeous, [insert every other good characteristic here] elect young woman was way above me and decided to try to be her friend. I'm not quite sure how it happend, but I know that my senior year would've been a whole lot different if this beam of sunshine hadn't been by my side the whole time. She is an amazing example of the kind of person I want to become, and look up to her like she's the statue of liberty. We're crazy. We do really weird things. We're best friends.We'll be best friends when we have walkers with tennis balls on the bottom and have outlived our husbands.  Lecy and Marcy. I bet you weren't expecting this! But you can't spell either one of our names without part of the other. Tender, right?

There are many other people who deserve to be on this post, but due to lack of time and sleep,  I regretfully must stop. I am so thankful for all of the people in my life, and treasure my friendships. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for  believing in me. Thank you for smiling and giving me the courage to do likewise. Thank you for caring about me. Thank you for saying hello. Thank you for being you. 

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