Monday, May 28, 2012

Just an Ordinary Day

Work was fun :) I messed up doing flashfloods but got the hang of it eventually. Now I just have to guard boomerang and vortex and I'll have the whole park down. Good news folks, I didn't kill anyone. [victory] After my shift ended I swam 500m in the wave pool...with the waves on. Let's just hope I never get stuck in the ocean or I'm dead.

I went on an adventure run with a friend on the train tracks starting at Vivian Park. It was super duper cool and so pretty! Everything is so green! I only fell once, and merely died when a rather large stick attacked me, but besides a minor flesh wound on my hand, all is well. Running is good. I haven't been for a while. :/ This run triggered my interest again though, so that's good I guess.

Went for a pleasant evening bareback ride after the run. Caught a runaway horsey, worked on some sweet skills with Shawnee, and scooped some major poops. It's the real life I tell ya. <-- that is in no way sarcastic either.

Michael Buble's voice is delicious. So is his face. I want him to sing me to sleep every night.


  1. I read this title in Buble's voice!! Please tell me it was meant to be a reference to "End of May" or I am going to feel supes stupes (super stupid).

  2. Well actually I was listening to his christmas album... hahaha so it is I that should feel supes stupes :)
