Saturday, July 28, 2012

Weeks go by

Get excited.
Lots of pictures.

Sunday shenanigans 
Nate taught me how to do a real bunny hop on a bike.
It was pretty intense.
We ate lots of icecream and talked.
We socialized with his lovely mother.
His father tried to fix my helpless bike.

My father and I are bonding by doing arts and crafts.
I'm sure I'll post a pic of the final product.
It's gonna be cool.

I find this captivating.
I made it.
Then I threw it away.

I decided I'm gonna run again.
Actually I decided a while ago.
I'm super duper excited.
I'm terrified.
I'm sore.
 I don't have a picture, but I swam a mile on Tuesday. I'm amazed at how my body has adapted to this new activity. When I first started lifeguard training, we had to swim 300 meters. I seriously thought I was going to drown. I was breathing and burping like a sick... creature. Now I can swim easy peasy mac and cheesy. Hooray for improvements.

So I have this quote/doodle/i'mboredinschool book.
I've added quite a bit this summer.
This is one of my more recent pages.

Cowgirl up, my friends

Rodney Atkins Concert.
Yeahhhhhh buddy
Take a back road? Don't mind if I do.

We met Rodney Atkins.
I was literally freaking out.
We wrote him a letter before the concert.
He got it.
He loved it.
He said "God bless you" when we met.
Then he signed my ticket and we got this great pic.
Woot woot

  Crosby Family Reunion 2012: Thursday evening through Saturday I spent some lovely hours with lots of people I  love and grew to love at Timp Lodge by Sundance. It was lovely. Do you realize I've used lovely a whole lot in this post? deal with it. We heard lots of neat stories about the courage of our ancestors, ate good food, spent lots of time bonding, playing games and just being ourselves. I didn't work for three days straight. It's a new record this summer.

Just doing some warm ups for the Olympic games.

Real steak dinner.
And by real I mean we have some legit Arizona cowboys in this crosby clan of  mine.
And by real I mean they caught their real good beefy cow.
and by beefy cow I mean several.
and by real good I mean mmmmmm tasty.
and by mmmmmmm tasty I mean to say that we ate them.

The lovely and difficult game of Oreo-off-the-forehead-into-the-mouth game.
I rocked it.
Star trippin
I'm a fan.

All-nighter under the stars.
Get me out of the city.

Just sleeping on a single pillow laying in a parking lot in the wee hours of the morning.
The things we do.

This happened.
Let's not talk about it.
I'm going to the temple now. I'm a fan of that lovely place.

21 days and counting
Please get me out of Utah County
More excited now than ever.
I'm okay. It's a brand new day.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Lady with the ukulele

Good news folks! I got myself a nice lookin uke! 

This is my first project. 
Followed closely by this.

Ha  JfreakingK.                                                            
  ---on a side note, isn't this kid just adorable?

 THIS is my first project.
ukulele for dummies.
I am completely, utterly, absolutely as dumb as can be when it comes to music.
except I like to listen.

This is me after trying to learn C and F for like an hour. Progress people, progress.