Monday, November 25, 2013

"Are you going Crazy?"

I've made lists on lists on lists and eagerly wait to slice through the inky letters marking the task complete. I have a count down system in my head. Every time I log on to I see how many days I have left. I have so much to do. Studying, shopping, packing, planning, YOLOing, studying, reading, studying, memorizing, studying etc. Oh did I say I need to study? Because I do. I have hopes and goals dangling in front of my brain reminding me of what I should and want to be doing. Of what I should and want to be.

But today I swept those ambitions away like dusty cobwebs. Today I slept in. Then I got up, went downstairs, stood on the cold tile looking longingly up at the pantry but then went upstairs without looking back. I stood in the cross roads of the hallway for a moment or two with my eyes dancing back and forth looking at my room and my parents doorway. After a long, thought provoking and major decision making 5 seconds I cowardly slithered into my parents bed. I thought. Cue myself tightening up even further into the fetal position hidden by layers of sheets, fleece, and a comforter that feels like it's just 2 blankets sandwiching the county's largest pillow. I realized I wasn't even tired- my body doesn't ache, my mind doesn't throb, my insides aren't shredding... and yet, all I wanted to do was do nothing. 

So I went for a hike with my dog and that made me feel better.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

What happens in Vegas

Adventure awaits at every step! After spending the weekend with my family in Moab, (DON'T WORRY a post about Moab is in on the drawing board. I know you were all freaking out for a sec) I got home late Monday night. On Wednesday I called my friend Ryan and left a message saying if he ever wants to go on a spontaneous adventure to call me up. Spontaneous adventures with Ryan are seriously the best! He called me back just a few minutes later, without even listening to my message and asked if I wanted to join his Ragnar Team and go to Vegas on Friday! Spontaneous adventure I think yes!!!

For those of you who don't know what Ragnar is, it's a 12 person running team that goes for 187 miles. There are usually 2 different vans that stay separate. Each person runs a leg until all 6 people in that van have ran, and then you get to sleep for a few hours while the other van runs their legs. Then you do it all over again! Twice more timezzz! It's a grand time with a bunch of crazy runners that are all friendly and dress weird.

Each van has 6 people in it and you only see the other van at hand-offs with the 6th and 7th person, and with the 12th and 1st person. Two of the people on our team work for Ragnar, so that's how we got the sweet and last minute hook-up. Our team was put together of random people who are somehow connected. We started out as strangers and ended the trip having become great friends.

I'll introduce you to my team/van:

Lauren- works for Ragnar managing the big sponsors. She's legit!
Brady- Lauren's cousin who lives in Vegas
Tiff- Brady's girlfriend from BYU
Ryan- Friends with one of Lauren's coworkers, volunteered in D.C. at another Ragnar a few weeks ago
Spencer- Ryan's roommate, also helped out in D.C.

These guys are awesome, genuine people! At first I was a little nervous thinking,"Spending 2 days in a [stinky] van with people I don't know...?" but then I thought, "Spontaneous adventure with Ryan and 4 other cool cats who like to do stupid running things? DONE DEAL!" I'm so glad I went!

Ryan getting ready for his early morning run

Tiff, Brady, Lauren, Spence

Spence modeling his $2 shorts from shopko

LOVE these two boys! Entertainment for daysssss. I want to be their best friend because they are just so wonderful and fun to be around. They sing to  Josh Groban word for word, they helped a crazy lady in the middle of the night on the freeway in the middle of nowhere, they run fast, obviously they've got hot bods, and they both have the best laughs!

Lake Mead

Surprisingly, I learned a lot from this little race. I didn't prepare well enough for my last leg (no good food and not nearly enough water) and that ultimately put me in an experience I've never been through before. It was really pretty crazy and scary, but from that I strengthened my testimony. A LOT. I know that Heavenly Father is looking out for us through everything, even the little things. I know that prayers are heard and angels are about us, both seen and unseen. I'm thankful I had this opportunity to surround myself with great people doing something I love. I am thankful for the little tender mercies and the not-so-little tender mercies from God. He is there, always.

As far as details with my freaky accident mentioned above...what happened in Vegas, sure is staying in Vegas.

In other news, I enter the MTC in 28 days. HOLY COW I'M FREAKING OUT.... THAT IS SO SOON!! yet so very much far far far far away. Breathe.

PPS: In case you were wondering, I used the phrase "spontaneous adventure" 5 times and so I looked up other words to use instead... but decided against it. However, I learned "instinctive" is a synonym of "spontaneous" which I think is really quite comical. Whenever I do something spontaneous usually my instincts are screaming at me to do anything BUT that. Cool story hansel.

That is all.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

And Then There Were None

#trailerlyfe: Two double wide, white trash trailers, gravel parking lot with not nearly enough space, bunk beds galore, 2 bathrooms for 16 girls (trailer bathrooms, mind you), guitars everywhere, messy dishes, dirty clothes covering the floor, HAIR EVERYWHERE, mice, mice poop, mice scratching in the walls, no AC, granola bar wrappers littering entire surfaces, thorns (aka goat-heads) camouflaged in the carpets, and some of the most top-notch people I think I'll ever meet.

And now they're all gone. 

It's just me. 

I told Joe Rooney, the guy that lives in a camper behind the boys trailer, that if he hears screaming I'm either getting murdered or kidnapped, and I expect him to come to my aid. I'm sure he'll come charging in full speed on the fork lift, ready to fight any intruders with shop tools. That brings some comfort to my poor {scared of the dark/murderers/kidnappers/creepy noises} heart.


Last night it was just Steph and me. After she recovered from her migrane, and I recovered from my small breakdown about not being able to teach the first lesson (mission prep), we had a good chat about growing up, life, and heaven forbid, boys. Boys boys boys. We consoled our wounded souls by playing MASH and I am thrilled and excited for my future. We were going to MASH up everyone in the girls trailer and hang up the papers everywhere, but we only got to doing 3 people before we decided it was going to take too long.

I realized today that it's my last time to dress up for Halloween for a while. I didn't really ever catch the Halloween drift again after 6th grade when I was a hobo. So today I dressed up as a cowgirl, and went all out. We're talkin hat, boots, glitzy show belt, the whole tortilla. Several people commented about my nice hat and belt, and then these two EXTREMELY attractive UK boys my age came in and scoffed at how funny it is we Americans still take Halloween seriously. I quickly changed the subject to rugby. 

May you have the happiest of Halloweens my loves

Saturday, October 26, 2013

It's so hard to come up with a catchy, truthful title that actually applies to the post

First and for most, what the freaking heck is up with Wendy's? Remember when Frosty's came in the yellow paper cups? My dad would order 1 or 2 larges for the whole family to share. Now I order a medium and I'm like, "yeah okay, didn't think Wendy's would promote taking shots but apparently they do  because this thing is minuscule." It's very upsetting. And here in Moab they don't have a dollar menu. LAME to the Sauce. Squared.

Anyways, wow I sure do love Moab. Working here has been my all time best job. It is definitely a lot of hard work, but most definitely worth it. Lately, working at the Moab Adventure Center (the MAC) has been rather dull and slow. I make the clock tick by doing data entry and writing thank you notes, but on a good day we'll set up a mini Frisbee golf tournament in the store and talk about crazy tourists.

I'm tired and I wish I could sleep in tomorrow. I've been working the morning shift a lot lately, which is great, but my mind is tired and my body is warm snuggled under my blankets in soft sweats and an ugly sweater. I have a goal to run for a half hour like I used to for track, so a few times I've gotten up a little past 5 to run before work, but it's hard. It's a hard battle I fight each morning. Sometimes I slide not so gracefully off my bed, through on my light reflector vest and head out the door before I'm fully awake. Other mornings I lay there for several mornings debating all the different variables and arguing with myself. It goes something like this.
 -"It's too dark. I could get kidnapped"
+"Then text mom before and after"
-"It's too cold"
+"You used to do this in January, February, March and April. In LOGAN. When it was blizzarding ice and it didn't get over -20 for a week straight"
-"I'm tired"
+"You went to bed at 10:30"
-"I'm not going to burn any calories anyways. It's just a 30 minute easy run. Basically worthless."
+"You're overweight and you need to exercise everyday."
-"You could get an extra 40 minutes of sleep"
+"I've already wasted this much time, now I'm awake I might as well get up."
-"But these covers are so warm and your bed is so squishy."
+"You're right! This is so comfortable! My head lamp is too dim anyways."


I'll blog more about fun stuff tomorrow with cool pictures. Because life right now is cool. I do fun stuff and I enjoy it! Here's a picture.

My favorite flower sprinkled all over Moab just for me

The Windows Section in Arches National Park

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Bloggity blog blog

Well hooowwwdieeee! It's been a while.


 [blawg, blog]  Show IPA noun, verb, blogged, blog·ging.
a Web site containing the writer's or group of writers' own experiences, observations, opinions, etc.,and often having images and links to other Web sites.
verb (used without object)
to maintain or add new entries to a blog.

I think I wanna be a writer. For my blog. I write a lot of letters and in my journal a whole bunch, but part of me yearns to be published. I don't really know why... I want to write for real. The thoughts that cross my mind, even if they're pretty stupid. I think I'll write more often on this old blog of mine. I want to be real. Write about my real life. Not dress it up or play it cool. Just write how it is. 
I like the idea of blogging mostly because of the easiness of posting pictures, because if anyone knows me they know I LOVE pictures. Whenever I go home I'll totally loose track of time looking at the screensaver on my family computer because it's full of THOUSANDS of pictures. Whenever I steal someone's phone I usually go straight to their gallery and scroll and scroll and scroll. I could listen to hours about people telling me about their pictures. Each one has a certain memory that goes with it and it's so fun to watch people relive those moments as they talk about them. Thank goodness for cameras and technology!

So here's just a few short thoughts on this rainy Sunday evening from yours truly. 

  • It's raining and the sky is orange.
  • Love the cooler temps and rain here in Moab, but I'm missing the fall colors like it's nobody's business. Had a huge strike of Logansickness (like homesickness) because I want to go running in Logan and Green canyon and I miss my friends and teammates and I wonder what it would be like if I was there right now and I miss the mountains and fall leaves and icebaths and chocolate milk and racing and being in shape and running really really hard everyday and having fun with people who really know me. I wonder what it's like being back in school and what it feels like when you're really done with school because I feel like my brain is mush and I don't remember anything hardly from last year so how am I supposed to have a real job and remember everything? Basically it's just weird not being in school and getting fat. <-- for reals though! Exercising has been such a challenge for me this summer! It's discouraging. 
  • I'm sooooooooo excited for General Conference! I am going through the temple right before conference and then I'm planning to go with my family up in Salt Lake. I've had the blessing, priveledge and luxery of going to Conference several times before, and I am so thankful I can go again right before my mission! I'm really hoping they'll have an MTC choir there :) Crazy that it's [only] been one year since they had the announcement about the age change! By the way, I'm going to the Mexico Veracruz mission! I report to the Provo MTC on December 11th! I'm so excited and honestly quite nervous! The time is going by so quickly! I've found great comfort in watching "The District". It gets me pumped and teary-eyed at the same time. But I guess missions are a lot like that. Different ends of the spectrum in so many ways. Ahhh it's just so crazy! One thing I'm so incredibly excited for is that I'm going through this whole process with my cousin! We got our calls the same day, we're both going to Mexico, we're going through the temple at the same time, and we go to the MTC the same day. {tender mercies} So much love!
  • I love my jobs. More deets to come later. This is long enough!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

On rare occasion

On rare occasion do I meet people who have heard the name Lecy before. A few people have the nickname but today my world turned! My name was on PSYCH. ohmyohmyohmyohmy OH MY! I think whoever reads my blog realizes when I'm sick I watch tv and blog. So yeah, I was watchin tv. And some of my favorite people ever like Sean and Gus and Papa Spencer said my name.  I re-winded it at least six times. Now I know what it feels like to be accused of murder by Sean and Gus. Check that one off the bucket list! JK that was never on my bucket list but still.... So check out "Nip and Suck it" on Psych. Because they say my name. And that is cool.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

I've grown a foot or two...

Wow. Something I’ve dreamed of my whole life is finally here at my fingertips. (well it will be in a few days) This feeling is unreal! I’m excited, nervous, and I know I’m gonna cry.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Carrie Underwood

I love her songs. But this is sad. How did she know??

My prayers go out to those in Oklahoma.

Friday, May 17, 2013


I’m currently in one of the weirdest stages of my life. I just finished up my second year at Utah State and as of right now I have absolutely no clue what I want to be when I grow up. (Surprise Surprise) I’ve pursued degrees in Exercise Science, Physical Education Teaching, and Nursing just long enough to spend lots of money and take classes very specific to that major only to realize that’s not the way I want to go. It’s like a roller coaster. Always very exciting.
I ran cross country and track again this year and I’m so very glad I did. I gained better relationships with my coaches and teammates and had some of the best races of my life. I learned how to work with my professors because I was gone so much, and so I got to know them. I learned to work hard and try to stay positive with humor and that sometimes it’s okay to be sassy as long as I am respectful. I learned that for me it really is better to be outgoing at first and help others to break out of their shell rather than waiting for someone else to get me to break out of mine. I learned to be bold and take leaps of faith more often. I learned that sometimes saying “YOLO” to myself really does work. I learned how to surf. I learned that hospital cafeteria food really isn’t that bad because I volunteered there once a week and enjoyed the free meal. I learned that I really suck at biking and that is definitely something I need to work on. I learned I really do enjoy swimming and also I am terrified of the unknown, especially underwatery unknowness. I learned that I should smile more often. I learned that my insides have a mind of my own and cause me pain. I learned that I really think anesthesia is fascinating. (But no, I don’t want to be an anesthesiologist) I learned that I am far from fearless but I can take a deep breath and slowly conquer that fear. I learned I don’t get along with everyone even when I try really hard. I learned to roll with the punches and try to enjoy the curve balls that are thrown my way. I learned that I really enjoy cooking deserts, and not much else. I learned to learn from the people I surround myself with and be better off because of it. I learned that my emotions are just ridiculous. I learned I can do 100 pushups a day if I commit myself to it. I learned to be patient and not be irrational. I learned to love the people I am with and find ways to truly care about them. I learned Heavenly Father loves me and has a lot to teach me. I learned I need to be an example of the believers at all times. I’ve learned to take time for myself and do what I want to do. I’ve learned that the big picture is the important part. I’ve learned that nature is one of the best things. I’ve learned to accept and embrace my body the way it is. I’ve learned that writing thank you notes is a really great thing. I’ve learned that dancing and singing by myself is a great way to give myself some time. I've learned frozen yogurt is one of the best ways to celebrate living. I’ve learned I spend too much time in the mirror. I’ve learned I really don’t care about shaving. I’ve learned dryer sheets are a good way to cover up bad flatulence. I’ve learned that I have great friends. I’ve learned to appreciate cleanliness. I've learned to be very grateful my parents love and support each other.
I’ve learned to keep in touch. I’ve learned a lot. What have you learned?

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Woot Woot I still have 2 ovaries!

So I had a big ovarian cyst (T'was about the size of a baby head) and it needed to come out! It's been there since the fall and has been making me have a hard time running. So I'm very happy that it's out! However, bad dreams about my grandpa's dog having a lion mane made me.... upset. Here's a look into my mind on drugs:





It was a rough few hours going in and out of consciousness. But now I'm home! So if you want to come visit feel free cuz I'm just chillin at home. And it would be marvelous if you brought food because I'm gonna get fat anyways. 

The downside to this surgery is that I have minimal use of my abs and it hurts to cough, sneeze, laugh, sit up, bend over, etc. It's a bummer. It hurts to lay down because they bloated me up with carbon dioxide and it isn't all gone yet so it's pushing on my diaphragm and I have referred pain in my shoulder and chest. It's like having a side ache everywhere all at the same time. It's not fun. I'm sleepy. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Sweet Sunshine

Here's to my short summer before my real summer begins. It's been weird because school ended, I came home for a few days, went back to Logan for two days then went to Texas for 5 days, now I'm back in Orem and in a few hours I'll be headed back to Logan, then comin back to O-Town. THEN in less than a week I'll begin my real summer adventure and head to MOAB. It's been kinda crazy as of late but every now and then I get to step back and breathe.

Cheers to growing

Monday, April 29, 2013

school yo yo

It's almost over. I'm so excited. 

|| The weather is getting nicer.

|| I get to ride my horse this week. It has been far too long.

|| One of my cousins is getting married on Friday so I get to see all my family that I haven't seen in ages. I'm super excited.

|| I got an A on my nutrition test. 

|| I am finished with history. No more essays. 

|| I got 2 free cookies and I pet a therapy dog named Lucky after I finished my final. I miss my doggy. 

|| I just want to go to Moab. MOAB. That's such a fun word to say when you keep your mouth open really wide.

|| I need to learn new songs on the uke. 

|| I need to make a summer playlist for the drive down to Moab. 

|| I've been on a Maroon 5 kick lately. Sick beats. 

|| I hate packing up stuff and moving. I also dislike not having a car to put said stuff in. 

|| It's pretty disgusting how much CRAP I accumulate through the course of two measly semesters. 

|| H.O.M.E. 

|| Sometimes, [a lot of the time] I feel like this little girl

|| Oh, that's why. 

Take a close look at this one. We call it "The Droop"
It's classic.

|| Running is not flattering for me. That's always a bummer.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

TWO WEEKS LEFT OF SCHOOL. Er my gersh. I'm pumped.

This is what's up

  • I get to hear Elizabeth Smart speak tomorrow. I'm pretty excited. Like I've had this on my calendar for months. 
  • Hearing about the bombs in Boston made me sick. I just don't understand. 
  • I just really really want to go to Moab. <-- (It's my summer job and I am beyond ecstatic. I just don't know when I'm going yet because of track meets and such. It's frustrating.)
  • I found out I have a big ovarian cyst. Like as big as a baby's head big. It hurts. But at least I know what the freaking heck is wrong with me! I am now comfortable poppin them pills in my system because I know what's inside of me. Hooray for less pain while running. 
  • I have two tests on Friday. Yikes. 
  • I am going on a blind date tomorrow. Never been on one of thems before! So I'm nervous. Oh let's get real I'm just nervous because it's a date. But it's with a cowboy so it makes me feel much much better. Plus we're going on a tandem bike ride and I'm good at this tandem stuff. Plus it's on the bucket list.
  • I want to get my mission call. <-- (I'm goin on a mission in the fall)
  • I'm going to miss my friends and roommates when we all move away. 
  • I love Easter candy. 
  • I entered a drawing to win a free car. Keeping my fingers crossed. They'll announce the winner on my birthday, so naturally that means I should win, right?
  • I finished my last chemistry lecture on the last piece of paper in my notebook. Score. 
  • Music can be so great and so incredibly sucky at the same time. 
  • I really really really miss my horse
  • I've gotten *tan because I've been to California twice this month. *Tan means not insanely white.
  • This snowy weather is really cold. I don't like it.
  • I'm doing 100 pushups every day in April. It's tough but I really can feel a difference. My form is better and I can do more in one set. Woot Woot!
  • I love sweat pants. 
For your enjoyment,

Story of my life


I totally did this yesterday. Black t-shirt, black leggings, black sweatshirt, black socks.
Crushed it.

Good evening world, I'm off to do my nightly routine. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


When I go visit a male lady doctor, it qualifies me to do absolutely nothing productive for several hours later. Right? I think so.

Cheers to my comfy bed, popcorn, hot chocolate, psych, a movie, and my ever so trusty pillows. #2kewl4skewl

I'm sure I'll regret this later. But heck with it. YOLO

Monday, March 4, 2013

Anni my Comrade

Here is a long overdue shout out to one of my best friends, AnnaLina Ruby Andersen...Hoyt. That's right folks, she's now a married woman. 
Anni and I met our freshman year during cross country camp. I remember she had really pretty naturally wavy hair and I was jealous of it. She wore a cool yellow bumblebee swimming suit and she was on scholarship but she couldn't run because she had had surgery on her foot. Camp was fun getting to her but I didn't hang out with her a ton. The night we got back from camp a bunch of us freshman got together and played a rambunctious game of signs and I always went to her Moose sign as my go to. We hung out a few times now and then, I saw her after the paint dance and we posed for a pic together. I wasn't as good as friends with her as I was with the other Davis girls because we didn't really see each other since she was cross training THE WHOLE freaking SEASON. I don't really remember when we clicked like a seatbelt, but we sure did and it has made my college experience. She was exactly what I needed at this time in my life, and I'm so sad to see her go, but she deserves it and she'll be a great little wifey.
Anni is the kind of best friend who will call you out when you do stupid and rude things, and she'll comfort you when you need a hug. She'll make your day when she brightly calls out your name, she'll let you use her rice, she'll laugh like no one else, she'll be passionate about everything she buries herself in. She'll make you cry, sing, dance, laugh, cuddle, make a "hawk" noise, make you get up and run at the wee hours of the morning, and do countless other memorable things. And when I say you I mean me. She's pretty great and I honestly wish I could write every memory and how much I look up to her, but I think it would turn into a chapter book and unfortunately she knows how much I despise writing. (English 2010 word count eh Anni? ha.) 

So, here's a plethora of pictures that I have and I will treasure forever. Love you pal :)

Oh. And that's her new husband. 

May there be many many more joyous memories together :) :)