Sunday, September 22, 2013

Bloggity blog blog

Well hooowwwdieeee! It's been a while.


 [blawg, blog]  Show IPA noun, verb, blogged, blog·ging.
a Web site containing the writer's or group of writers' own experiences, observations, opinions, etc.,and often having images and links to other Web sites.
verb (used without object)
to maintain or add new entries to a blog.

I think I wanna be a writer. For my blog. I write a lot of letters and in my journal a whole bunch, but part of me yearns to be published. I don't really know why... I want to write for real. The thoughts that cross my mind, even if they're pretty stupid. I think I'll write more often on this old blog of mine. I want to be real. Write about my real life. Not dress it up or play it cool. Just write how it is. 
I like the idea of blogging mostly because of the easiness of posting pictures, because if anyone knows me they know I LOVE pictures. Whenever I go home I'll totally loose track of time looking at the screensaver on my family computer because it's full of THOUSANDS of pictures. Whenever I steal someone's phone I usually go straight to their gallery and scroll and scroll and scroll. I could listen to hours about people telling me about their pictures. Each one has a certain memory that goes with it and it's so fun to watch people relive those moments as they talk about them. Thank goodness for cameras and technology!

So here's just a few short thoughts on this rainy Sunday evening from yours truly. 

  • It's raining and the sky is orange.
  • Love the cooler temps and rain here in Moab, but I'm missing the fall colors like it's nobody's business. Had a huge strike of Logansickness (like homesickness) because I want to go running in Logan and Green canyon and I miss my friends and teammates and I wonder what it would be like if I was there right now and I miss the mountains and fall leaves and icebaths and chocolate milk and racing and being in shape and running really really hard everyday and having fun with people who really know me. I wonder what it's like being back in school and what it feels like when you're really done with school because I feel like my brain is mush and I don't remember anything hardly from last year so how am I supposed to have a real job and remember everything? Basically it's just weird not being in school and getting fat. <-- for reals though! Exercising has been such a challenge for me this summer! It's discouraging. 
  • I'm sooooooooo excited for General Conference! I am going through the temple right before conference and then I'm planning to go with my family up in Salt Lake. I've had the blessing, priveledge and luxery of going to Conference several times before, and I am so thankful I can go again right before my mission! I'm really hoping they'll have an MTC choir there :) Crazy that it's [only] been one year since they had the announcement about the age change! By the way, I'm going to the Mexico Veracruz mission! I report to the Provo MTC on December 11th! I'm so excited and honestly quite nervous! The time is going by so quickly! I've found great comfort in watching "The District". It gets me pumped and teary-eyed at the same time. But I guess missions are a lot like that. Different ends of the spectrum in so many ways. Ahhh it's just so crazy! One thing I'm so incredibly excited for is that I'm going through this whole process with my cousin! We got our calls the same day, we're both going to Mexico, we're going through the temple at the same time, and we go to the MTC the same day. {tender mercies} So much love!
  • I love my jobs. More deets to come later. This is long enough!

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