Saturday, December 10, 2011

Thursday, December 8, 2011

You could be your own spotlight!

The truth is, I'm growing up. I'm an adult. I'm in college leaning things so I can teach and inspire others. I know what I'm doing. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. I'm living. I believe we have the opportunity to get it right the first time, but if we don't we just have to keep trying until we do get it right. Trust the Lord. Trust your instincts. Do your best. Work. Thoroughly enjoy the journey. Cry yourself to sleep, but wake up the next morning, splash cold water all over and do a bunch of pushups to get your heart pumping and GO. Start over. Serve. Make your day by making someone else's day. Write a random heartfelt letter/note. Shine. Try your best to be genuinely happy. Go to the temple. Pray. Have fun. Choose the right. Ride a horse. (Save a horse ride a cowboy? nah.) Dance. Count down the days until the break. Be excited you have so much to learn. Love the people you're with. Eat chocolate dipped oreos and clementines (not chocolate dipped). Eat a lot more clementines. Wish you had a six pack. Do an ab workout. Love life even when life is difficult. Look at the little things that truly matter. Be random. Be your own spotlight.

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams

Thursday, November 10, 2011

time time, precious time

So much to do so little time!
So I registered for classes the other day, it all went fine because athletes get top priority, so that was great. But now I might need to change anatomy to biology, and then I couldn't take it with all the chums. I'm in some lameo night first aid class, but I can drop that and take a 6 hour workshop instead to get certified. Only problem is that it's offered once a semester, or "whenever Dr. whoever feels like it", and that one day is on Saturday. Problem: I'm going to the game Friday night, leaving Saturday morning to watch a race in Provo, then probably (hopefully) staying the weekend to address pony problems and have a heart to heart with a few of the Hannahs in my life. Plus, I am in fact slightly homesick. After camping out my bed sounds quite promising. and good food. As for today- I must juggle practice (which consists of doing annoying exercises to rewire my stupid brain to fix my stupid form), biking (I still can't run and i'm going slightly insane), talking to the athletic adviser, talking to my academic adviser for the third time today, probably redoing my whole schedule, SI, perhaps an angry birds obstacle course, temple, and check in for the game..... oh yeah and that one thing called homework....
Hey Hermione, can I borrow your time turner for this weekend?...and possibly the rest of my life? Thanks k k kkkk k bye

Monday, November 7, 2011

I hope they call me on a mission!

Missionaries!! Ah I just love these people! I saw the short movie "Labor of Love" or something and as cheesy as it was, it made me want to go on a mission even more! I think about all of my missionary pals all the time, and I finally wrote one of them a letter. 1 down, 16 to go. This video is probably the best thing ever. I've seen it seriously 100 times and I still laugh. I love the missionaries! :)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Testing... :(

I have another exam in history tomorrow... not thrilled about it. I've studied every day this week and the dates just aren't sticking in my brain. I am not a fan of testing that much. Especially when that is the only thing that goes on your grade. Please feel my pain and pray for me.

Dates - Know these dates & why they are important

Republic 509-31 BC

Early 509-287 BC

Middle 287-133 BC

Late 133-31 BC

Conflict of the Orders 450-287 BC

3 Punic Wars 264-146 BC

Tiberius Gracchus - Tribune of the Plebs - 133 BC

Gaius Gracchus – Tribune of the Plebs – 122 BC

First Triumvirate - 60 BC

Julius Caesar killed - March 15, 44 BC

Imperial Period 31 BC - 476 AD

31 BC - 192 AD - Principate and Pax Romana

235-284 - Crisis of the Third Century

284-337 - Reforms of Diocletian and Constantine

337-476 -Decline (& Fall?) of Western Roman Empire; Rise of Germanic Kingdoms

Battle of Adrianople – 378 AD

Alaric sacks Rome - 410 AD

Odoacer deposes the last Roman emperor - 476 AD

Traditional date for the Fall of the Western Roman Empire - 476 AD

Terms - Know terms, their meanings and why they are important


Tribune of the Plebs


Comitia Centuriata

Plebeian Council


plebiscita (plural)2

Conflict of the Orders



4 Secrets of Rome's Success in War and Conquest

Punic Wars

Tiberius Gracchus (the Gracchi)

Gaius Gracchus (the Gracchi)

optimates (singular – optimas)

populares (singular – popularis)



Julius Caesar

The First Triumvirate

"The die is cast"


4 keys to Augustus' Success

Augustus' Reforms


The Pax Romana



The Crisis of the Third Century - 5 main factors

The Chi-Rho sign (Constantine's conversion)

Reforms of Diocletian and Constantine - 5 basic reforms




Theodoric and the Ostrogoths


The Franks

I've got less than 50 minutes to answer a bunch of multiple choice questions, write 4 short essays, 1 long essay, and locate cities on maps. :( Yikes.

Meanwhile, I have this floating around in my brain, preparing for Monday’s test in chemistry…

I don't like dipoles and balancing equations. I'm sick of radiation formulas and of a bunch of old dead guys who can figure out crazy stuff that makes sense in a sick, twisted way. How the heck did they find out 6.02x10^23 = 1 mole????


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

blah blah blah blog!!!

Here’s to Tiffà

7 Things You Don’t kneeeeeeeeeeed to know about me!

-“Jody, you’re so very Kneedy!”

-On that note, it makes me want Kneaders French toast!

Who the heck comes up with this stuff anyways? Maybe that’s what I’ll major in… professional time wasting ideas. Good plan

1. Hate is a strong word, but I really, really, REALLY don’t like fish.

2. I’m a terrible dancer but I dance all the time. (Waka Waka anyone?)

3. I have a special connection with all my childhood toys. It broke my heart to box them away and put them in the basement. They all have names, feelings and personalities. I miss playing beanie babies with my sister. And playmobiles.

4. I enjoy getting bucked off a horse. If he can throw me, I deserve it. But that doesn’t mean I won’t beat the crap out of the animal when I get back on.

5. I go out of my way to step on crunchy leaves. I get very disappointed when the crunch isn’t what I planned, but I get over it and search for a new crunchy leaf. The intense seconds before my shoe crunches down on that leaf is exhilarating. I love crunching! And doing crunches. I like the word crunchy. But no, crunch bars are not my favorite; I prefer Take 5 or Cookies and Cream.

6. I have She’s the Man memorized, and seriously quote it every day.

7. I can’t stay awake if I stop moving. I fall asleep EVERYWHERE. In class, on the bus, outside (last weekend I fell asleep on my patio and slept through my dad mowing the lawn right next to me), on my horse (lately this has been a problem because she then gets lazy and doesn’t pick up her feet and therefore ends up tripping, sending me off into the sunset and/or dirt, which by the way is much more effective than my alarm clock), etc., etc. Falling asleep also includes drooling, which unfortunately, too many people know too much about. Especially Shams.

Well there ya go, 7 things you don’t need to know about me, but now you do. Congratulations?

Monday, October 10, 2011

Jamie Grace - You Lead (Lyric Video)

Lead Me On

The past week didn't go so well, and I've been rather bummed. I'm confused with want I want to do with my future, and it's been stressing me out. I've found great comfort, peace, and strength by trusting in my Heavenly Father, but sometimes I forget to trust Him completely. If I do what I know I need to do, things will work out.


Enjoy the Journey


Pray like everything depends on the Lord, work like everything depends on you

PS The song posted above is pretty neat.

It makes me happy :] I like being happy =) =} =]

You lead, I’ll follow, Your hands hold my tomorrow,

Your grip, Your grace, You know the way,

You guide me tenderly,

When you lead, I’ll follow,

Just light the way and I’ll go,

Cause I know what you got for me is more than I can see,

So lead me on, on, on, and on,

Just lead me on, on, on and on

On another note, I went running today in the oh so beautiful Logan canyon in the oh so freaking beautiful fall weather and foliage. Even though practice wasn't the greatest I loved the run. I'm gonna go an a walk (note: not run!) soon and pick all the pretty fall leaves! :) It was fabulous running temperatures- cold when you stop but perfect while you're running and running and running. But t'was a bit nippy after taking an ice bath :/

On another note, perhaps I should try to blog more? Don't answer that. I like looking at other peoples cute blogs but I'm not really into all of that kind of thing... but maybe I'll expand my horizons.

On another note, I LOVE fall. I was scared that Logan would skip fall, and head straight into winter, but it didn't! The past two days have been blissful weather wise. I love it! Not to be a total girl, but I am... but I just really adore fall clothes! Sunday I wore a cute skirt and argyle sweater with my "equestrian boots"- totally rocked a fall back to school look. Today I wore said boots with skinny jeans, darling shirt borrowed from my darling roommate, simple jacket and a lovely scarf. Yay for not wearing jeans and a water-proof jacket! Muffins and hot chocolate are also adding great appeal to my fall experience. Raspberry muffins with cinnamon sugar crumbly goodness on top makes me feel cozy. Hot chocolate... need I say more?

Have yourself a fantastic FALL day! :)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Rambling: aimlessly wandering, taking an irregular course; straggling, spread out irregularly in various directions

I have to keep a journal for my English class.................................................. .......... ............ ........... here's to today

September 4, 2011

I’m in a weird mood. I feel like I’ve wasted most of my day, and I don’t like it. I need to be doing something, or my mind goes crazy. But once things get going crazy, I will want nothing more than to slow down, take a nap and watch a movie. I never feel satisfied. Okay, not never… there are certain times when I could do that one thing forever… like horseback riding. I haven’t ridden for 15 days, and it’s literally killing me. I’m hopefully going home next weekend to pass on the homecoming crown, but who cares. I’m excited to see my friends that are still in high school, but the part I’m most looking forward to is seeing my dear horse. I think about riding almost constantly, and it’s killing me. On Thursday I went for a run by myself, and passed by a small corral with horses right next to the gate. It took all of my will power not to stop and pet and smell them. I LOVE the smell of horses. There are different types of horse smells, but not having smelled anything “horse” for 2 weeks, I will welcome any of their scents to enter my system. Haha. Every time I go running on this certain road (I can’t remember exactly the address) I’m tempted to go knock on several doors and ask if they need anyone to ride their horses. Maybe one day I’ll get the courage to do just that. But if everything goes right, I will be riding this week!! Hooray!!!!!

For a while I thought it would be best to sell my horse, and then I wouldn’t have to worry about coming home and riding, and when I did come home I would just ride any one of the other horses at the barn, but I’m so glad I get to go home and ride MY horse. I miss her quirkiness. My parents rode her last week, and sent me pictures of her taking a nap in the arena, and it made me so homesick—for the barn. Countless times she would lie down and I would lay down right there next to her. I could sit on her, lean up against her, jump over her, pick out her feet, stretch and move her legs. She let me do anything I wanted. If she was sitting, I could sit on her and she would get up with me on her, kinda like what camels do. Haha

Yesterday was my first collegiate race. All the freshmen ran unattached. I did okay, I didn’t get last, so that was good. I ran about the same time I’ve been running since my freshman year in high school though, around 6:30 mile pace. Hopefully the next one will be better. I had a good kick, so that was encouraging. My parents came up to watch, which was really nice of them. Later that day Jill and I thoroughly cleaned the apartment and went to the Rocket Summer concert. It was pretty dang good. I didn’t write in my journal last night just because I didn’t feel like writing. I read it though, and it brought back so many memories.

I had a great plan set up for today, I was going to write to several missionaries, write a birthday letter for my sister, send the letter I’ve had written for several days, do laundry, and other stuff. I haven’t written any letters yet. I cooked dinner with Jill (and ate way too much), took a nap (for much too long) and wasted time reading blogs and facebook posts. I want to get rid of my facebook, but I know I’ll never see most of those people again, and I like to see what’s up with them. Oh well. I need to set up a daily time limit of wasting time. I should learn yoga. I took 2 quizzes. Bleh. My head phones broke. After they sent an electrical current up to my ears. It hurt. Jill and I had a laughing attack for about 5 minutes while we were eating. We just couldn't stop. It hurt so bad! I almost threw up because I was laughing so hard then coughing so hard. My emotions are so out of control. I don’t understand myself. I feel like crying all the time, and then five seconds later i'm doing just fine. I'm loving college, but I feel like something is missing.

I’m listening to Mason Jennings and it reminds me of skiing with my dad. I hope I’m allowed to go skiing up here. I haven’t been able to go forever. L

Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I need to go running for 90 minutes then I might go on an adventure with Shy up the canyon and do some exploring, and maybe some swimming in the freezing water. Chin up

Here's videos from my last ride 2 weeks ago. Running bareback while holding a camera= not the best video, but I like it anyways.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

# 185

One of my New Years resolutions was to read the Hymn book. I love it. I usually read it as part of my scripture study, and it has made such a difference. I am almost completely musically illiterate, but that doesn't matter. I read them like I read the scriptures, underlining and making notes. Tonight I read Hymn number 185, "Reverently and Meekly Now". By reading the hymns, especially the sacrament hymns, it makes me want to become a better person. I want to do everything I can to live with my Heavenly Father again.

"Bid thine heart all strife to cease;with thy brethren be at peace.
Oh, forgive as thou wouldst be E'en forgiven now by me.
In the solemn faith of prayer cast upon me all they care,
And my Spirit's grace shall be like a fountain unto thee."

"At the throne I intercede; for thee ever do I plead.
I have loved thee as thy friend with a love that cannot end.
Be obedient, I implore, Prayerful, watchful evermore,
And be constant unto me, that thy Savior I may be."

*D&C 45:3-5: Listen to him who is the advocate with the Father, who is pleading your cause before him-
Saying: Father, behold the sufferings and death of him who did no sin, in whom thou wast well pleased; behold the blood of thy Son which was shed, the blood of him whom thou gavest that thyself might be glorified;
Wherefore, Father, spare these my brethren that believe on my name, that they may come unto me and have everlasting life.

Monday, August 29, 2011


School: Today was the first day. I had a PE class at 7:30. Too badit was canceled so I didn't even have to go! Oh well I got a ride from a cute guy driving a golf cart. haha. I slept through most of chemistry.... not a good sign. Hopefully I'll find out if we had homework or not. I'm excited for my history class. Finally it's not US history! Except the teacher has the most annoying voice and she laughs too much at her own stupid comments. At least it keeps me entertained. My English teacher is so chill I love it. He's younger than half the students in that class, but all is good. I hope it continues to be chill because i'm not looking forward to writing.

Running: Camp was... a new experience. We stayed at the coolest cabin in Altamont, Ut. It was so pretty! We met Monday afternoon, got physicals (I have 20/20 vision ~ yay!), signed a bunch of paperwork, and best of all we got our clothes!!! booya baby! 30 bucks for a hoodie, nice jacket, 3 t-shirts, sweats and shoes. Ah it was the coolest ever! The shoes are amazing! Nike Pegasus 28's babayyyy! I love the team! At camp I learned how to make a wicked sweet bracelet and I got a hair wrap with a feather charm on the bottom. We had a talent show and a sponge bob pinata, which was very fun. We played pool spoons, and that was great until I slipped and thought I hurt my knee, but it's all good, so that's good. I got mooned and it was rather repulsive. (hairy college men butts should not be shown to the public. EVER.)
Running and drills were rough but good. The first run I didn't do as well as I wanted, but the rest of the week went pretty well. The two a days didn't kill me because the night runs were easy. We had a workout with "active rest" on Thursday. Not my favorite thing. However, I absolutely LOVE the all the chocolate milk we get after working out! Ah it's the best! It comes in a little juice box, but it's even better because it's a chocolate milk box!! Today I ran 20 400's. It wasn't as bad as I thought, and we got choco milk and an ice bath after. yay :]

Life: My roommates are the greatest and we all get along just dandy, so it's great. Jill is the bestest, and has wonderful music. Seriously i'm in love wi
th all of her songs! I love it when she sings, and she sings all the time, so my mind is constantly filled with lovely Jill voices. :) We made dinner for the boys across the hall Saturday night, and they made us breakfast Sunday morning. Both meals turned out really well. :) I continue to find great uses for nutella. My new favorite is nutella, peanut butter and Life cereal all mixed up. It's like instant muddy buddies. I ate ramen with chopsticks the other day. That was adventurous. But don't worry mom, I had a salad with it. :) Friday night we had "Taste of Logan" where we walked around Main Street and everyone had free samples. It was great.

I really like my ward. My new bishop is awesome.We had a fun FHE today, and I got to shoot some hoops for the first time in a long time. It was excellent. We also got free food which I've gained a even greater appreciation for now that I have to buy my own food. woot woot for free food!

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Greetings Fools. I've been telling myself and others that I would start a blog for a long time. Voila! I run a lot, so therefore I think a lot. I think about random, pointless things, but whatever you can do to keep your mind off the pain works I guess. I won't post everything I think about, but there's something therapeutic about writing. I've given up riding, so hopefully this whole blog thing will make up a fraction of the stress relieving powers riding has. I'm sure i'll ramble and honestly I don't care if people read this or not.

Sooooo...I'm going to college! Exit 362 baabayyy! (so obviously I have to start a blog) woot woot! I'm headed up to Cache Valley as I type these words. Crazy! I'm way pumped for this whole college adventure, but also a bit nervous. Duh. Mostly i'm scared for cross country camp. Yikes! Collegiate running. Remind me again why I am willingly putting myself through this? Oh well it will be an adventure for sure!

I listened to Kelly Clarkson on the way back from Lava Hot Springs, Idaho with my chummy chums Tiff, Lex, and Nate. It was an awesome road trip. It really hit me then that I was leaving. Wowza. I've never moved before in my life. I've always wondered what it would be like to be the "new girl" and so i'm finally getting the chance. Except there will be like a bajillion other "new girls". I'm ready to make new friends and go out of my comfort zone. I've never felt like I wasn't myself at high school, but now I can be whoever I want to be. I can be the crazy freshman runner again. Hopefully I won't suck too bad.

I'm gonna miss my old life though. I'm leaving behind so much. I'm still not quite sure why I gave up horseback riding for running, but i'm hoping it was the right choice. Today I had to say goodbye to my best friend of 7 years. It was pretty rough. I didn't let myself shed a tear though, and that was good because if I had, ohhh man the waterworks would've never ended. My best friend is Shawnee, a POA mare. I bought her when I was 11. She's the best investment I've ever made. She's a freak of a pony, but that's what makes her her. She's not the prettiest pony, in fact when I first saw her I thought she was purdy darn uglay. She's spotted and has the shortest mane and tail one did ever see. She slobbers and drools like none other, and falls asleep everywhere. Freak? yeah I think so. But we're perfect for each other. I drool almost as much as she does, and i'm not the loveliest flower in the bouquet either. We both love doing crazy things, and we both do stupid things to bug each other. She's a great horse. And boy am I gonna miss her! Today I went to say goodbye and go for a "short ride". yeah, like that was gonna happen. I rode bareback in the field and absolutely loved it. It's rides like this one that makes me wonder how i'll survive without the barn 5 minutes away. Life goes on. I will miss my pony dearly. Whatever doesnt kill me makes me stronger. Let's see how long I survive.

Well, I just passed the Bluebird Cafe, so i'm almost to my new home! Here goes nothing. Actually, here goes everything.

With no further adieu,

"I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly.
I'll do what it takes till I touch the sky.
Make a wish, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away.
Out of the darkness and into the sun.
But I won't forget all the ones that I love.
I'll take a risk, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away"