Monday, August 29, 2011


School: Today was the first day. I had a PE class at 7:30. Too badit was canceled so I didn't even have to go! Oh well I got a ride from a cute guy driving a golf cart. haha. I slept through most of chemistry.... not a good sign. Hopefully I'll find out if we had homework or not. I'm excited for my history class. Finally it's not US history! Except the teacher has the most annoying voice and she laughs too much at her own stupid comments. At least it keeps me entertained. My English teacher is so chill I love it. He's younger than half the students in that class, but all is good. I hope it continues to be chill because i'm not looking forward to writing.

Running: Camp was... a new experience. We stayed at the coolest cabin in Altamont, Ut. It was so pretty! We met Monday afternoon, got physicals (I have 20/20 vision ~ yay!), signed a bunch of paperwork, and best of all we got our clothes!!! booya baby! 30 bucks for a hoodie, nice jacket, 3 t-shirts, sweats and shoes. Ah it was the coolest ever! The shoes are amazing! Nike Pegasus 28's babayyyy! I love the team! At camp I learned how to make a wicked sweet bracelet and I got a hair wrap with a feather charm on the bottom. We had a talent show and a sponge bob pinata, which was very fun. We played pool spoons, and that was great until I slipped and thought I hurt my knee, but it's all good, so that's good. I got mooned and it was rather repulsive. (hairy college men butts should not be shown to the public. EVER.)
Running and drills were rough but good. The first run I didn't do as well as I wanted, but the rest of the week went pretty well. The two a days didn't kill me because the night runs were easy. We had a workout with "active rest" on Thursday. Not my favorite thing. However, I absolutely LOVE the all the chocolate milk we get after working out! Ah it's the best! It comes in a little juice box, but it's even better because it's a chocolate milk box!! Today I ran 20 400's. It wasn't as bad as I thought, and we got choco milk and an ice bath after. yay :]

Life: My roommates are the greatest and we all get along just dandy, so it's great. Jill is the bestest, and has wonderful music. Seriously i'm in love wi
th all of her songs! I love it when she sings, and she sings all the time, so my mind is constantly filled with lovely Jill voices. :) We made dinner for the boys across the hall Saturday night, and they made us breakfast Sunday morning. Both meals turned out really well. :) I continue to find great uses for nutella. My new favorite is nutella, peanut butter and Life cereal all mixed up. It's like instant muddy buddies. I ate ramen with chopsticks the other day. That was adventurous. But don't worry mom, I had a salad with it. :) Friday night we had "Taste of Logan" where we walked around Main Street and everyone had free samples. It was great.

I really like my ward. My new bishop is awesome.We had a fun FHE today, and I got to shoot some hoops for the first time in a long time. It was excellent. We also got free food which I've gained a even greater appreciation for now that I have to buy my own food. woot woot for free food!

1 comment:

  1. ahhhh you got SUCH A deal on all the running stuff!!! $301?!?! and the shoes are SWEET!!! Post a pic of your hair wrap, I wanna see it!!!! I love this!!! hahaha I can only imagine the teacher laughing and making stupid comments; those teacher's are the best!!! ahh I loved this post!!!!! hope you're doing good Lec!!!
