Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Better Late Than Never eh?

1. Tell everybody 11 fantastic facts that nobody really cares about
2. Answer silly questions that silly schpiff character asked 
3. Nominate others!!!!!!!!! Amber and Anni. Katy. Sharissa. Whoever the heck reads this dumb blog. Read it and weep suckers. You're now cursed with this and
If you do play along, link it so I can read it :)

1. I hate it when people swear. It's a matter of respect, and is in no way desirable or impressive. 
2. My nickname as a child was "cuddle bun". So naturally that means I like to cuddle.
3. "Awake My Soul" by Mumford and Sons is currently my #1 (Michael Buble and Josh Groban seasonal albums don't count right now)
4. I want to own a nice camera sometime in the near distant future.
5. I'm scared to grow up
6. I have an unstoppable sweet tooth. If I didn't run so much everyday I'm sure I'd be borderline obese.
7. I dance and sing in front of the mirror ALL THE TIME
8. I like doodling and cool quotes. I also like doodling cool quotes. I really like the font of the Liebster award button by the way. Whoever made it must be super duper cool. FUN FACT: duper is a real word, but not in the way it is presented here. 
9. I absolutely love horses and riding them and cleaning their poop and brushing them and riding them and talking to them and feeling their soft fur and riding them and hugging them and fussing at them and riding them and braiding their tails and riding and I just like them a lot.
10. Two of my roommates and I have a kissing bucket list  Whoever can check off the most before the 1 year mark wins dinner and dessert. 
I'm losing. Bummer.
11. I like to work. Like manual labor. None of this writing nonsense. I'm so glad to be done with this semester and the writing classes involved.


1. if you could do anything and money was no matter, what would you do?
I would make a cool scholarship fund for struggling students who are exceptional in their own way. None of this ACT and GPA nonsense.

2. what is your favorite memory?
That's defs a tough one. I like looking back and remembering the sounds laughter.

3. who has made the biggest impact on who you are today?
Also a tough one... dang who makes these questions? 
I consider myself a very observant person, so I notice little things and try to take note of them. I keep lists of things I want to remember, things I want to do, how I should do them etc. Daily people are making a bigger impact on me than they realize, and hopefully it's a good thing. 

4. if you could be any celebrity, who would you be and why?
That chick that plays Katniss in the Hunger Games. Because it should totally be me. My coach even calls me Katniss <-- and that's sayin somethin. Or somebody in a horse movie. I've always wanted to do something like that. Flicka would be cool, (mostly because I LOVE Tim McGraw) but the girl in that one is pretty stupid, and I don't want to be stupid.

5. favorite holiday and why?
I like all the holidays. Food, Family, Fun = Holidays

6. favorite movie(s)
 Include but in no way limited to: She's the Man, Hitch, The Devil Wears Prada, Sweet Home Alabama, Remember the Titans, Glory Road, Dan in Real Life, The Hannah Montana Movie, and all the Harry Potter movies. and I like to quote them. Especially She's the man. erry day all day.
Bones, Psych, and Monk are my favorite TV shows

7. who is your biggest role model?
Honestly I couldn't tell you. There are many women in my life that I deeply admire and look up to. 

8. where is the best vacation location?
I'll tell you once I've been everywhere and can decide on the best one.

9. what goals do you have for the next year?
Write more thank you notes

10. what were you like in high school? 
busy, tired, weird, full of energy, athletic, nice, grumpy, quiet, obnoxious, kind, enthusiastic.
It depends on who ya talk to.

11. what makes you happy?
Being happy with other happy people in happy places. With food.

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