Sunday, May 13, 2012

Whoa now...back up a bit

Wowzers it's already May 12! Craziness. Let's back up a bit. One week to be exact.

Last Friday I said goodbye. Many, many goodbyes. It's an odd thought knowing that the likelihood of ever seeing some of these people is rather slim. :( Not fun. Please excuse the picture overload.

These pictures don't do justice at all, but they're fun to look at. I was blessed to live in the place I did, and meet all the people there. My ward was beyond fantastic. I loved serving in the Relief Society Presidency and will not forget the experiences we had as a presidency. I learned a ton from those girls and hope to take that knowledge with me to future church callings. In my ward we had well over 30 missionaries receive their mission calls. They are going all over the world- Guam, Canada, Poland, Ukraine, Vegas, Phillipines, California, England, Australia, Argentina, and many other places. I'm so excited for them!! and slightly jealous. Ah Logan YSA 1st Stake 2nd ward, you were the best. Our bishopric was also extraordinary. I will miss them.

I moved home. I went to Umbe's wedding reception with Ju and Ki. It was weird. Riss looked absolutely stunning. It was good to see Lex and Jade again, it's been quite some time since I've seen them. After the reception we went in the canyon and had a nice fire with nice treats. I met some of Julie's rugby crew, and they were quite entertaining. (Trying to cook canned ravioli in a fire...?) I talked with Kelsie and Nimmer, which was a great reunion.

Saturday I decided instead of unpacking I would rearrange my room and then unpack. Rearranging was a great success, but I'm not fully unpacked yet. haha. (thumbs up to having your sisters room to store your crap). It really amazes me how much STUFF I have. It's kinda stupid.
This lovely creature (it's our deranged ancient family cat, Titanic) watched me unpack and inspected the boxes to make sure they were empty. Then she decided to take a nap.

I have spent this whole week training to guard lives. And guess what!??? I'm now officially a lifeguard! [insert fist pump and slight victory dance here] I've spent over 5 hours a day in Salt Lake training. I will be guarding at the place with a view of the mountains, all seven peaks of them mountains. Ha get it? I'm working at seven peaks. I'm excited but terrified. I might be working at the Lindon pool too, which would be sweet. I really hope people don't die because I freeze when the saving moment comes. I'm sure it will all be well though :) After all, I am certified.

Happy Mother's Day tomorrow! Let's get real here though, my mom is top notch. The big man picked the right woman for the job.

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