Friday, June 15, 2012

One of those days

1. Drive to work. Don't sign up for a position and pray there will be enough so you can go home.
2. Go home
3. Go to bed
4. Cuddle with squishy pillows and stuffed animals
5. Watch Bones
6. Paint toenails
7. Read a book outside
8. Fall asleep outside
9. Eat particularly non healthy food
10. Listen to sappy country love songs
11. Watch the clouds move
12. Take a plentiful amount of advil
13. Take another nap outside with the dog
14. Read some more
15. Enjoy the day off
16. Take lots of pointless pictures
17. Edit pictures for fun
18. Clean longboard

Mariposa the butterflydog

Toes are so ugly. Who came up with the idea of painting them??

I REALLY want to go to the beach. Road trip anyone?

Creeper right? Ya I sure thought so!

My personal favorite of the bunch 

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