Tuesday, June 12, 2012


These are the thoughts that go through my head as I pace back and forth watching scantily clad people splash around at  7 peaks. This job kinda sucks because I have so much time to think. I don't like thinking that much about nothing and everything at the same time.

My friend Kassie put it best by saying: 

"Nineteen years old is the worst age for a mormon girl.
All the boys are on missions, all your friends from college don't live in the same state as you, and the rest of your friends living in Utah are off on adventures. (i.e. study abroad, service abroad, or anything else abroad.)"

I have a best friend staying in Africa for over a month. And even when she gets back we won't see each other very much, maybe not even until school starts.
I have a best friend in Mississippi that I won't see for two years.
And the best friend right in front of me is changing, fading almost.



How do you find a balance of living in the moment and keeping an eternal perspective/ the big picture? I've always struggled with looking ahead and not enjoying the moment, but this summer I don't really have anything to look forward to. I work everyday. I workout everyday. I ride everyday. There are certain moments of bliss but I'm stuck in an awkward phase and I'm not quite sure when I'll get out of this rut. It's tiring and frustrating. 


1 comment:

  1. Oh Lecy, I hear ya! In summer, I make a Summer Survival playlist of fun new songs and basically some new year resolutions. Then every day I make a to-do list of things that are not required of me and that I will enjoy, but that take me toward my goals, and I listen to good music. It's like forced fun, but it works! Probably not the best advice you've ever heard, but I did it all through high school and ever since, and it's been lovely.

    Or you could play with me. I mean, it'd be, like, fun, and stuff. :)
