Saturday, August 18, 2012

La fin de l'été

This is how I felt walking away from my last day at 7 Peaks yesterday. Except I had powdered sugar all over my face and body because I celebrated by purchasing funnel fries :) yum yum om nom nom.

Today I went running with Celeste, saw Bills and Ashley (two teammates from USU) and got super scared for camp. It starts monday. Yikes!!! It feels great to get up super early and then I'm able to come home and crash because I'm done working!!

I really really really REALLY need to pack. I'm in quite the dilemma right now though... So we have to report at 6:30 am on Monday morning for camp and we get back Friday afternoonish. Problem: I can't move in my apartment until next Saturday. So a plan of being not homeless is in the works. I'll probs just chill with a teammate and leave the stuff I need for the first week of school at their house until I can move in. Luckily we have our annual race in Logan on the 1st of September, so my parents can bring up the rest of my belongings then.

I'm sooooooo excited for school. I'm gonna drop some classes because I decided I don't want to completely destroy myself like I did last year. (17 credits each semester + running + rugby + relief society presidency + attempt at a social life = burnt out lecy) But I'm taking a design class (counts as a general instead of humanities [SCORE!!]), physiology (super duper excited and scared), English (bleh.), and some others but I don't remember. I'm fer shizzle dropping my 7:30 am dance class. haha what a joke that would've been.

Well I need to start packing seeing as the only thing I have packed is the box of stuff I didn't unpack in May, and I move tomorrow. I'm real good at moving, lemme tell ya.

I'll pack while listening to Jason Reeves, Cady Grooves, He is We, T-Swizzles new song on repeat for way too long and Marianas Trench. Good tunes right thur. I'm gonna go eat an ice cream cone for my post-run snack/breakfast. I'm so healthy.

G2G TTYL #ishouldgoshower

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