Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Days11, 12, and 13

Day 11:
Meet Annilina Anderson. We like to call her Anni. Or Anndilusia. She's my best friend up here in Logan. We have fannnnnntastic adventures. It's a real, real good thing we have anatomy together or both of us would most definitely not survived that awful yet oh so intriguing class. Oh wait we haven't survived it yet. We still have a few more weeks to hang on. But luckily we only have the final left! That means nothing though because it's gonna be insane. Anyways, she's on the xc team with me but we didn't get to run together at all because she's a cripple. She's running now though! :) She accepted my awkwardness at camp at the beginning of the year and then embraced my craziness accompanied with Miss Suzie-Kin. We're gonna be roomies next year, nbd. It'll be a grand adventure. 

We match quite frequently.
It's grand. 

We're big fans of  Mr. Medlin

Best Halloween investment I ever made

Let me explain ourselves- we have lab Wednesday nights from 7:30-9:20.
We are exhausted due to practice and weights but those dead bodies sure give us a boost
We feel it is our duty to entertain our other labees. (That's a word, right? Well it is now.)
As much as we hate the time spent in the lab, the classroom and the countless hours pouring over our new bibles (aka class notes) we love it.
This is us with our handy dandy aprons and face shields to protect us from unwanted splashing of bodily fluids and other nasty fluids to keep the bodies from drying out. Yucky.

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We love Harry Potter.
We also love the Hunger Games.

We be fraaaaaaands :)
Day 12:  How you found out about Blogger and why you made one:

 I found out about blogger because I use the internet. I made one simply because I can.

Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently:

Dear name withheld,


Sincerely, Me

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